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December's round 2 runoff poll is now closed and all votes have been counted. With the bonus votes for Big Burger & Full Combo tier patrons having been accounted for too. And the winners are....!

1st: Cynthia (a whopping 122 votes!)

2nd: Yang (93 votes)

3rd: Nico Robin (78 votes)

4th: Serleena (72 votes)

5th: Ryuko (51 votes)

This means Cynthia will receive a 5-6 panel colored sketch sequence, Yang a 3-4 panel colored sketch sequence, Nico Robin a 2-3 panel colored sketch sequence with Serleena and Ryuko being drawn as colored sketches!

For Cynthia's sequence my first thought goes to vore because that's what I drew with her last time. But I may look to make it a vanilla weight gain sequence or some kind of triple combo like I did with Hinata's sequence last month. She did get a huge chunk of the votes and I do want to dedicate more time than normal to her because of that.

For Yang I thinking stuffing would work best for her, with her getting the same treatment as Weiss and Blake and just a bit more given she placed in 2nd and not 3rd.

For Nico Robin, I'll have to do some research before I can decide on what to do with her. If Cynthia is weight gain and Yang stuffing, I may do something like vore or pregnancy for Nico.

For Serleena's color sketch vore is a given. It's just a matter of how big she and her tummy should be. For Ryuko I'm leaning towards small chub or stuffing, in a similar fashion to Rosalina, Peach and Daisy's previous color sketches.

Thank you to everyone who participated! I will begin working on these pieces tomorrow evening after I make a bit more progress on commissions today, I should have another commission ready to share in a day or two and will be sending out a DM to the two folks in the 3rd and 4th slots. On top of that I'll have both WIPs for Nico & Ryuko ready to share this Wednesday the 9th along with 3-4 Full Combo sketches to share this Friday the 11th.

Consolation prizes

And now for what I alluded to yesterday in the second round poll. What should I do about candidates who don't make it to the top 5? I would like to know what you guys think of this proposal for consolation prize. I was thinking of doing some very quick and rough black and white sketches of a few candidates who lost. I would be picking each girl based on how much I like the character personally despite them not winning. I whipped up a few last night after dinner as an example and will be sharing those later today. Personally I feel this would work best, since time is already pretty tight on my end so sketching works best. Plus I do enjoy sketching quite a bit, but what do you think? If you want to wait until I post the sketches later to give feedback, that works too.

That's all for now, stay safe and have a great Saturday!


Milf Lover 355



I'm down for rough sketches

Hubert Górski

Rough sketches are fine. Would every character that didn't make it to top 5 get rough sketches? Either way, I think it's a great idea.

Captain Rocko

I'd go with Vore for Robin. She could swallow Nami from this pic: https://www.deviantart.com/metalforever/art/Voracious-Nami-Sequence-832641943


If I go ahead with consolation prize sketches I'll be limiting myself to just a few sketches (between 2-5) and picking the characters based on their appeal to me.


More vore with Robin is always welcome, hope to see some weight gain as a result as well. Really enjoy seeing fat Robin but there's just not enough of it. And sounds like a good idea for consolation prizes taking into account your own preferences.


I'm all for consolation sketches for the ones you like that didn't make the top 5, as a nice little extra bonus. :)


Man, I voted robin but it's sad to see serleena not get a sequence. Would've loved to see her progress into a bigger belly. This month was a tough poll, a lot of good options. That plan for consolation prizes seems pretty good although it is kind of a shame if some of the characters that people wanted get missed out on because you're not familiar with them? Especially if those picks got votes. (and especially since it's the lesser known characters that already struggle in the polls) Just my 2 cents.


Vanilla weight gain sounds perfect for a Cynthia sequence, especially given her canonical weakness for ice cream!


That's a fair concern superthingymajigy and I'll take it into consideration. I'll have to give my proposed picking process more thought before I make a decision, I just don't want to over complicate it.




I can’t wait for my sketch commission as it’s the final part of that sequence. How about the Cynthia one starts with her digesting the (un)lucky souls from the first picture you did and it goes from there. Also the Ryuko one should have a pogchamp reference in it.


Heheh. Sooner or later, we'll get through ALL the girls in RWBY stuffing themselves to their bursting points. Yang hasn't displayed any fondness for a specific type of food, but that trailer with a horrible case of protagonist-centred morality (Yang's one of the worst. Great potential to be a fantastic character, but in canon still tied for the worst), she displayed a fondness for 'Strawberry Sunrises'. Not trying to dictate what you should do, just sharing what little I know about the character. Here's hoping whoever keeps suggesting RWBY girls continues after the titular characters have all been stuffed. Nora (canonically eats... everything), Pyrrha, Coco, Velvet, Emerald (starving street rat before being picked up by the villains), single-appearance characters like Reese, etc.

Andrew Fermor

Glad to see that serleena made it.


Dunno if I'd call Yang "the worst", frankly - sure she was selfish, but she wasn't apathetic; she was largely just thoughtless, which is fitting since that was also a lot of Blake's problem. Plus, I'd argue her "protagonist-centered morality" died off a bit ago - first in Volume 7 when Blake railed against her, then in Volume 8 where she actually went against her baby sis Ruby's order to get Amity Tower running and left to help Mantle's civilians against the Grimm instead.


Not a bad suggestion MystifiedBeef, I do enjoy continuations and the first Cynthia image left off at a cliff hanger.