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November's round 2 runoff poll is now closed and all votes have been counted. With the bonus votes for Big Burger & Full Combo tier patrons having been accounted for too. And the winners are....!

1st: Hinata (107 votes!)

2nd: Hana Uzaki (87 votes)

3rd: Blake (73 votes)

4th: Tharja (53 votes)

5th: Tsuyu (47 votes)

This means Hinata will receive a 5-6 panel colored sketch sequence, Hana Uzaki a 3-4 panel colored sketch sequence, Blake a 2-3 panel colored sketch sequence with Tharja and Tsuyu being drawn as colored sketches!

For Hinata I'm initially leaning towards either weight gain or vore for her sequence, with her primary motivation revolving around her love for Naruto in some way. But Thanksgiving is around the corner in the US so I am considering stuffing for her too.

For Hana Uzaki I'll have to do some research on her, but I'm leaning towards stuffing for her if I don't do that for Hinata. That or maybe some kind of pregnancy themed sequence.

Blake is another character I'll have to look into before making a final decision on but I feel like any type of tummy could work with her. I may do a double stuffing sequence thing for November due to the holidays. If I do I will see if I can tie it into Weiss's sequence from last month, like maybe a continuation. 

For Tharja I'm leaning towards either weight gain or vore. As for Tsuyu I'm thinking vore for sure given that she is a frog but there is a possibility of stuffing.

Thanks to everyone who participated! I will begin working on these pieces tomorrow evening after I make a bit more progress on commissions, I should have another commission ready to share this month, maybe as early as tomorrow but if not then later this month. Regardless I'll have both WIPs for Blake & Tsuyu ready to share this Sunday the 8th along with 3-4 Full Combo sketches to share this Wednesday the 11th.

That's all for now, stay safe and have a great rest of your day!


Aiden Sexton

Oooooo I really hope you do vore for Hinata that would be amazing


I think that Hinata should be vore considering she was eaten by Tsunade back in July


Hinata wg with the ramen for naruto i think would be cool.

Captain Rocko

Maybe do a little option a and b for Hinata. Have her and Sakura stuff themselves on Ramen, but then Hinata is still hungry and eats Sakura.


Very excited to see yea draw Hinata :) She is my anime crush haha Kudos to whoever suggested her this month!

Scryer (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 18:11:23 Blake, huh? She's an AWFUL character, worst in RWBY, but she's still cute and could've easily had a lot of potential. Little tidbit, while it wasn't expanded upon (nothing in RWBY ever is, show runners have no idea what they're doing), it's been confirmed that she loves fish beyond all reason. I'm not joking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n6QY2EArhY&ab_channel=Lazarus
2020-11-05 22:06:36 Blake, huh? She's an AWFUL character, worst in RWBY, but she's still cute and could've easily had a lot of potential. Little tidbit, while it wasn't expanded upon (nothing in RWBY ever is, show runners have no idea what they're doing), it's been confirmed that she loves fish beyond all reason. I'm not joking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n6QY2EArhY&ab_channel=Lazarus

Blake, huh? She's an AWFUL character, worst in RWBY, but she's still cute and could've easily had a lot of potential. Little tidbit, while it wasn't expanded upon (nothing in RWBY ever is, show runners have no idea what they're doing), it's been confirmed that she loves fish beyond all reason. I'm not joking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n6QY2EArhY&ab_channel=Lazarus


You may be onto something Rocko, I do like combining different fetishes as it is and everyone loves Hinata so something like that may be in order.


They are cat ears. She is a sterotypical ninja goth cat girl who loves fish, smutty books and for some reason has many of the other characters of show fancy her

Sarah F

They are cat ears but she wears that ribbon over them to hide them in the first 3 volumes since her kind were discriminated against.


IMHO, I wouldn't call Blake an "awful" character, honestly - her biggest problem's always been that she's just... well, thoughtless. For a cat, she ironically never seems to look before she leaps and it took Sun *months* to make her realize that not everything's liable on her (i.e., that she's not solely responsible for every good or bad thing in her life, because other people are, well, people and they make choices too). Best way I could put it; she's like a deconstruction (or at least interpretation) of those "tween rebel" stereotypes - someone who *appears* cool and collected, but inside is nowhere near as mature as they look or even think they are (as evidenced by her many, many, *many* impulsive "it's all my fault/it's all on me" acts throughout the series).