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The first round of November's polls have concluded! Here are the top 5 candidates from that poll for the final runoff. This poll will close in 24 hours, on Thursday November 5th at 12 Noon PST.

This poll will decide each character's final standing and thus if they'll be drawn in a colored sketch or a colored sketch sequence and the length of their sequence. No 6th candidate this time around due to the high disparity in votes between the top 5 and 6th place. Same rules apply here as with all previous polls, including bonus votes.

Winners and the belly type I'll pair them up with will be announced tomorrow after I count up all votes.


Hubert Górski

Shame no 6th candidate, just as it was the one character I wanted to be qualified.

Jake camron

Hoping for some Hinata vore


Hinton eats Naruto clones and they multiply inside her maybe hehe


Okay I stand corrected on the fire emblem thing. Hinata fan base is true power. Favorite naruto girl is tenten don’t look at me! XD


Or she would just eat Naruto and he'd do the Shadow Clone jutsu in her tum. ;3


Let's go Uzaki-chan! :D


All for that little gremlin Uzaki!