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New art listing on eBay: Page 3 of "THE OTHER WOMAN", from the last Murder Family comic, originally published in Dark Horse Presents #10 in March, 2012 (and later collected in House of Fun #1 in 2022 and the Dork HC collection in 2018).  

Link to auction: https://www.ebay.com/itm/255717069379?hash=item3b89ecd243:g:bhAAAOSwISJjGnQI

Art measures 11" x 17", pen and ink on then-standard DHC comic book interior page Bristol board. The art is date-stamped on the back from the time it was completed, if anyone cares (I'm the artist, btw).

This is one of three remaining Murder Family original pages I have left from the various stories. Once they're gone they're gone, like their various victims. I'm starting the page at the price I had it listed on my original art list. Bonus items include 6 random DHC comics I've worked on, a Forbidden Planet bookmark with characters I drew, and a Milk & Cheese "Thank You" card.

The eBay experiments have gone ridiculously well, and it's not like we can't use the money, so I am going to continue adding single listings of oddball pinups and drawings and pages that have been sitting for some time unsold. I won't be doing original M&C pieces for auction, at least not until I meet my current commission obligations. I will probably be making M&C art available on eBay from time to time, but it will not replace the commissions list. It's all to help deal with debt and some changes coming down the road, I'm using every avenue at my disposal to raise money. For the time being, eBay auction offerings will consist of existing work that I either haven't been able to move or haven't figured out how to price it. I will throw those up to the market and see where the bone chips fall. So far the results have been eye-opening, I must admit, not just for the M&C work but the Night of the Living Dead pinup, which went unsold here and on Instagram last year, and just sold for four times what I had priced it at. So, yeah. Interesting.

I'm aware the the recent M&C prices on eBay are intimidating to casual buyers but I will say they are likely unsustainable, and while new commissions will go up in price they won't be set to match those winning bids. I'm trying to figure out a happy medium, or at least a content medium, between my financial needs and people's wallets. If nothing else, the Instagram card drawing offers will remain at $15-$100 depending on subject matter and complexity. I have a lot going on in the coming months, a lot to deal with and a lot to figure out. Dealing with my art prices and offers is on that to-do list. Considering prints for sale down the line, something I've never been able to do. It's all messy and I had to take an Ativan today earlier than usual. 

With all this talk of selling and plugging and pricing, please remember that you never need buy my art or merchandise, I'm just happy you read my comics and are supporting what I do here.  

That being said, thanks in advance for looking, thanks for any and all bids.  

FYI, the regular abysmal text-only art for sale list can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WlJgIu3mGvE6Rny14ow_i-h4lRY9jp0rvXSqgz1dC8o



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