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A while back we were asked to contribute a color illustration to a Kickstarter project -- I  think it was for a supplemental book/stretch goal. I inked the drawing, I'm sure I was late with it but the specs and deadline information were also slow in coming. If I remember correctly the person who was originally editing the book left, and one of the people behind the main KS project had to jump in and they didn't have publishing experience and things got a little stretched out and vague which "allowed" me to drag my heels and not feel too badly about it. If I fucked it up on our end Sarah never said anything about it, which probably means I fucked it u on our end. It was one of those freebie gigs which I really should have said "no" to, but I didn't, and anyway, here's an unused monster drawing that was meant for someone's Kickstarter. It was successfully funded and I'm almost certain it was all completed and delivered (I know, there's no "almost certain", but we say it anyway, because we're funny that way), so, I didn't ruin anything for anybody. 

I take great solace these days in not ruining anything for anybody. It's a life goal.



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