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Thanks to everyone who responded to the Patreon art sale. It was successful and will help out a lot, although I still don't know what the hospital emergency visit will ding us. We've had two dental visits since then, I have at least one more with an oral surgeon as soon as I can schedule it. Fingers crossed, the insurance situation is under control. And since I'm basically flying solo as an artist for a while, all income helps, so thanks again. 

If you've contacted me previously to this notice about the sale the discount will still count if you pick something up as a direct result. I'm hunting a few pages down for a few inquiries (found two hiding in an envelope I didn't expect them to be tonight, yay), and a few inquiries are still ongoing. So don't worry about that if you haven't heard back from me yet. But from here on the "dental sale" is over, regular pricing and postage is back in effect. 

Two art orders that have been paid for are still being packed up for next week, both Eltingville orders. Otherwise everything that's been ordered went out this past Wednesday and I should have contacted customers with tracking numbers. Packages can arrive a day (or several days) late due to USPS wonkiness. If there's any issues please don't hesitate to contact me.

The last page of "Bring Me The Head of Boba Fett" was taken, It's so weird to see the art for an entire story disappear from the files. Not to mention entire issues. I think four Eltingville stories are now all sold, the majority of the Milk & Cheese  pages are gone, some issues of Dork are all sold. Entire issues of Pirate Corp$! are gone, I have no Fight- Man pages, only two pages left from Bill and Ted. It's like little paper children growing up and leaving home. Some of them are adults, now. Yikes.

I'll be adding new art to the list to beef the listings up, when I get the chance to pull and price the pages. Very likely putting up more pages from Dork #7, at least the first story. Those who have asked about Hectic Planet: Bummer Trilogy pages, I'm still getting to that. I'm also trying to figure out how to list the Fun Strips I have (as seen in the photo). I haven't sold any of these strips yet, only the full pages from Dork. Since House of Fun I've been drawing them singly, or in little batches, which I'll be cutting into separate strips. More recently I've been doing them as two-by-two squares rather than a sequence of four panels, which will be easier to ship. But I have to figure out prices and how I'll handle selling the strips where the title panel was dropped in digitally. I'm willing to draw the title panel, but that's work, and will have to be taken into account for the pricing. Most continuing strips no longer have a title panel, like Broken Robot or Myron the Living Voodoo Doll.

It's been gratifying but a little difficult basically running a shop while trying to draw commissions. I'm always afraid I'm going to screw up an order or something dopey will happen. It's great to have a flurry of orders, but it was a bit overwhelming. Thanks to everyone who contacted me, from the bottom of my heart and my Paypal account. 



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