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BACKGROUND: Not much to say about this one, other than I wasn't keen on working on something like this too close to World's Funnest coming out. Silver Age overload. As it went, we didn't use any of the seven plots we submitted for consideration because of schedule issues. I really would have liked to have been able to write these stories. Other than that, for some reason Dr. Bedlam is one of those second-class villains that took a hold of me. Mostly the nutty name, perhaps. Anyway, one way to not become rich in comics is to pitch Dr. Bedlam-centric stories, I bet. 

This is the next-to-last of our Superman Adventures/TAS pitches. I'll post the last one tomorrow or asap. And then --? More other stuff soon.


NOTE: This Plot is designed for a longer formatted Annual-sized book -- back when they did annuals for the animated books, or possibly for a two-parter. 




Dr. Bedlam



The plot revolves around the dreams of the Superman cast, with the kicker being that all the dreams shown would be loosely based on a period/genre of DC/Superman comics from the past. The dreams wouldn't be in-jokes only comic fans would get, but be complete and understandable in the context of each character with the references being an extra bang for the buck.

We'd possibly start with one bizarre situation, such as Lois marrying Superman (romance/Lois comics) which is then revealed to be an idyllic dream Lois Lane is having.

We then cut to Apokolips, where we learn that Desaad and Dr. Bedlam have teamed up to create a massive device called the Dream Engine. Desaad has boomed back to his master with a field report as Bedlam applies the Dream Engine over Metropolis.

The Dream Engine uses both Desaad and Bedlam's infernal technical and mental abilities to render a large population unconscious, and keep them in a state of relaxed coma for as long as they wish. Desaad's paralyzing mists render the subjects unconscious and help project Bedlam's powers far and wide with a chemical/energy transmission system, while Bedlam's devices feed them pleasant dream-like transmissions that will in effect keep them asleep and pacified. The subjects remain in a dream state, and their bodies will not fight the mist to awaken from such heavenly slumber. Desaad has gained Darkseid's permission in testing the device on Metropolis, if successful, Darkseid will allow him to build more so that they can narcotize and enslave the Earth and other worlds. Darkseid is wary of the plan, it hasn't the sting of battle and bloodshed, but Desaad counters it will net him Earth's defenders such as Superman without a struggle. Earth will sleep, and awake from paradise to find themselves under "great Darkseid's boot". Darkseid warns Desaad of groveling, and tells him failure will be punished --he is using much of Apokolips' resources, and they are not to be wasted.

Desaad booms back to the Engine, floating like a huge black bug over the dark Metropolis skies. He confers with Bedlam, and we then proceed to examine the dreams of our cast.

As we explore the dreams of Superman, Jimmy, Supergirl, Luthor, Perry et al, each dream reflects the wishes and desires of each cast member, told in a manner reflecting an old DC period or type of story. We could show Supergirl with the Legion of Superpets, show Superman happy on Krypton, Jimmy as a plethora of nutsy Super-Olsen types fighting evil and winning Pulitzers, Perry busting Luthor, and maybe Luthor dreaming of either world domination --or of being a benevolent philanthropist for irony.

However, each dream eventually turns sour, each paradise becomes a nightmare world. Superman/Clark cannot save his parents or is revealed as Superman and hated by everyone, Lois' marriage is ruined or Superman is killed, Olsen becomes a series of freaks, etc. The nightmares become so unbearable they threaten the slumber of the dreamers --but only Superman and Supergirl are strong enough to subconsciously fight off Desaad's mists and awaken. Realizing the city is dark and silent, the pair find the source of the nightmares --the floating Dream Engine and it's operators. Desaad is stunned to see Superman and Supergirl, the mists should have worked even on them -they should not have even wanted to awaken. But Superman tells him they didn't sleep at all well -- the hearts of Apokolips are too black to be able to project true dreams, the visions were poisoned by hate and fear and evil and could pacify no longer. Fighting off shock troops and parademons, as well as Desaad's armaments and Bedlam's powers, Superman and Supergirl shred the Dream Engine, which bursts into a hail of wreckage just as Desaad tries to retreat. The huge Boom Tube that transported the Engine opens, and like a vacuum sucks all the debris, machinery and troops into it, almost enveloping Superman and Supergirl as well.

Back on Apokolips, the Tube appears, and unceremoniously dumps the massive wreckage of the Engine and it's occupants onto the ground before a very displeased Darkseid. Desaad begs for mercy, but Darkseid only smiles grimly and tells him that he appears tired...and that he probably could use some sleep. "Pleasant dreams", quips Darkseid as his eyes glow, and as Desaad screams...

As dawn creeps up on an awakening Metropolis, and a sleepy pair of superheroes flies down towards the city.


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