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I've been getting stuff done this past week or so at a pretty decent clip. Unfortunately, I'm in a situation where I can't show off anything I'm working on because the project is still a secret. So I'm muzzled by army brass. I'm working on the inks for a cover, and waiting for notes and approvals on the first script. I'm also working on a cover for another project I can't mention by name at this time. And I may be writing something for a web project, which would be great, as it doesn't rely on physical printing and we can use the work to replace the Beasts of Burden stuff that's currently in stasis. 

I'm about to head out to run errands, which I'm antsy about, between the pandemic situation in New York City and having to drive Das Deathmobile. I couldn't sleep much knowing I had to go out. I think the car scares me more than the health concerns, to be honest. I can't safely distance myself from the effin' car, and it's getting harder to drive every time I use it. I will miss not having a car next month, but not this car. Not sure how we'll handle some things without the car, our neighborhood is not great for shopping or errands, and my therapy office is moving far from walking range. Whatever happens, happens. As always, frontline and essential workers have it so much worse than people like me. I could not imagine what it's like to be in their shoes. 

I'll be hitting the post office up to deliver all the book orders folks placed with me here this past week. Thanks very much for chiming in on that, we appreciate it. 

I don't think I plugged the eBay auctions I have up at the moment, in case they're of interest. Some more Eltingville pilot production art (the pile's finally diminishing), a pair of Attack on Titan gag pages, and a Bill and Ted page featuring Death and Morty, his replacement in issue #9 of the Marvel series. I think I only have two pages left after this goes, one inked by Marie Severin, another inked by David Mazzucchelli. Trying to hold onto those.


Haven't forgotten about the livestream, just need to get some work done and figure out the best way to do the try-out. And the same goes for the index card sketch stuff. And commissions. Please bear with me!

 Hope this finds you well, hope you're staying safe and sane. 


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