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Some good news for the House of Fun: The only ongoing comics gig we have on our docket is still in play. So, we have some work for a while. Now all I have to do is stop passing out all the damned time. I'm sleeping crazy hours, and not sleeping regular shifts. Or I'm staring at the ceiling. In-between I type stuff or draw stuff or take my pills. 

Speaking of the crazy pills, today I have to go out for the first time in some time. I can't remember the last time I was out, but that's the way my life was pre-pandemic. I can go two weeks inside without going past the curb to take the garbage can out. And I spend almost all tat time in my studio, it's become pretty confining but I'm weirdly used to my cell. But I have to pick up my prescription refills. Which means I have to chance the risky Car Of Doom. 

I hate driving this thing, it's largely lost it's power steering, and is difficult to handle, besides the fear of the engine shutting down while driving. It's only done that once, but, it will likely happen again. Sarah won't drive it and Alice won't ride in it, and I don't blame them. I've driven far more dangerous cars but that was in the 80's when everyone assumed we'd all be dead anyway, so, y'know, what the hey. We can't afford to bring the car up to inspection because of chronic issues with emissions sensors, let alone paying at least $200 to figure out what exactly the shut-off issue is (our garage said it's other sensors supplying gas and air, or not, as the case may be) and on top of that we have the steering, and other issues. We bought the car several years ago and it's just been a lemon parfait. We're dumping it next month when the insurance has to be re-upped. Then we have no car, and no real expectations of replacing it for some time unless something miraculous happens. 

Oh, well. It's not like everyone else is having a picnic, and there's nowhere to go in New York anyway. Except the pharmacy, and the post office, and I'm also going to brave the Stop and Shop and all that entails nowadays, along with that creepy aisle robot they have. I have no idea what the shelves are looking like out here, but my friend Paul went out the other day to the other location and I didn't hear any horror stories. Except for their robot, which was spying on him. with it's pasted-on googly eyes. What a weird world.

Hopefully we'll get the webcam soon, and after I get a script done and invoiced I can start getting on top of some other things. I have to catch up on commissions, and I guess I should clean up a little in my studio. It got a little too Oscar Madison in here this week. 

Have a safe and sane weekend if I don't type to you before Monday. 

Take care, talk soon. Stay well, stay sane. Say hi to loved ones far away, and smile at those that are close. I'm gonna rev up the Auto de Diablo. Wish me luck!


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