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Nabby learns about teamwork by working with @BoundPretties's Naomi's evil twin, Tanya! 
First thing's first, they need bait...
"Tanya" belong to BoundPretties and is used with permission!

The Rant: 

So, last week's AbbyCaper:

...Really was supposed to be a grand finale for Nabtober. 

However, when I started on the Naomi tickle animation...

...It got me thinking about Nabby's origins as part of a teamup sequence with Tanya, wherein Naomi and Abby got to highlight their shared similarities in alternate outfits and (apparently) hornier dopplegangers (though also still evil)

And so I wanted to run with that in an Abby caper because why not? Why wouldn't they team up to capture their two targets of affection? Sure, Abby and Naomi are very easy catches, and Nabby has, by now, proven that she doesn't really need anyone's help to capture Abby (or anyone else), but honestly? Its just fun, and in fiction, fun (or rather, engagement) trumps all!

The weird thing is that, despite knowing what I wanted to do, and having the general beats laid out, I just couldn't finagle the composition for the longest time! I knew that I wanted Tanya to seduce Abby (with hints that Tanya was wearing Nabby), but I couldn't figure out how to do that in two panels. I knew that I wanted a sequence of Nabby sliming up Abby's body, but I couldn't figure out how to do that without being repetitive, crowding out Tanya, or making any panel redundant. 

So, in this case, I actually went back to a storytelling trick I use a lot when coming up with stories: Start with the ending/punchline and work your way backwards by asking "how" you got to that point. Albeit, this time I did it visually, starting with that finishing shot of Abby being coddled by Tanya and Nabby, and slowly filling in the spaces. It's not a perfect method (doesn't leave much room for theming and side narratives) but works for these kinds of stories. It also helped that I adored that opening shot of Abby sipping on grape soda (she doesn't like red wines or beer), so I had something to start with.

Minor tidbit: something I really hate is when a current plot element is retroactively foreshadowed to allow the author the illusion of foresight without putting in the work. Ex: In Doctor Who (or any time travel show), the Doctor getting randomly saved from the current problem by a maguffin he will later seed into the scenario in the future (remember: time travel) for just this moment, which makes the Doctor and the writer seem clever, but is honestly lazy because the audience had no way to deduce that this was something that could happen. Foreshadowing is admittedly hard to pull off, but you should try to get it right.

So, if you look very carefully at Tanya's stomach when she first arrives in full, you might notice that her top is looking a little.... goopy. Same thing when Abby and Tanya have their boob-to-boob. It'll be more apparent with color, but I wanted it to be apparent that there was more to Tanya than meets the eye for peeps who aren't familiar with BP's stuff (you should; its a huge influence on mine!) . (I may also have wanted to feel clever)

Of course, this is only part one. Nabby's gotten what "she" wants, now its time to help Tanya get what she wants, whether Abby likes it or not.

What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments; it helps me steer this train in the right direction! Thank you for your continued patronage, and catcha over yonder!




Kiwi Kink

Nice work, don't think I would have noticed that little detail about Tanya's top if you hadn't pointed it out ... it might be more noticeable in colour, but its quite subtle now, but still works :)

Trevor Bond

Actually I immediately noticed Tanya's top looked a little odd but I first thought it was supposed to be a lace or frill edge lol. Nice work, can't wait to see it colored, and the follow-up should be fun! So, they going to form some kind of league of evil doppelgangers? Also I agree whole heartedly about foreshadowing being a pain, and often lazily done, although working back from the conclusion is a good way to decide how to foreshadow in the end, as long as it's not just 'and then goes back in time to help himself'. It was clever in Bill and Ted's first movie... not so now.


Yay! Though, admittedly, I do want to try to get good enough to migrate away from "it'll make sense when its done;" usually, works that rely on that excuse tend to have flawed foundations from the get go.


Haha, Nabby is as conniving as the plot demands her to be. I'm juggling the idea of a part 3 where she betrays Tanya, because the only thing better than two pointy-eared captives is three, and Tanya's no stranger to damselation herself! That being said, restraint is key, so maybe not. And yeah, Time travel's kinda worn out its welcome on that front for me, but even still, I hate when the character is so omniscient/invincible that they finagled the solution offscreen. For example, every time a shonen hero reveals a new technique we never got to see them practice or perfect before its reveal.