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For some reason, the best way to sooth a darkling to sleep is with the moans and squirms of her victims-I mean, "music and vibrations of her pillow!" How nice for Nabby! Too bad for Abby-I mean, How nice for the pillow as well! 

The Rant: 

I'm kinda surprised I didn't have this idea earlier. It's so simple! There's something really cute and arousing about one person using another person's body as a pillow. For me, it doesn't really matter where. The movie Armageddon made the stomach and belly-button REALLY smexy, Anime prefers the lap, Boobs are self-explanatory, and butts are nice, provided you're not there for the bodily-function-reliant kinks (don't approve, but as long as I'm not involved directly, I'm not judging). Its probably the intimacy. On one hand, the relaxer is putting their soul-storage space and primary sensor station in someone else's care, and trusting that the other person won't damage it (or maybe they are? Again, different fetishes for different folks). On the other, the pillow's primary areas of interest tend to be pretty vulnerable in their own right (especially the stomach and lap), so you're trusting that the relaxing head won't turn its nutrition grinders on your fleshy bits (again, unless that's your fetish). 

In Abby's case, its more so intimate (if that's your fetish), because she's vulnerable to Nabby's ministrations BUT doesn't have a choice in the matter. Nabby flaunting her own "vulnerability" (as if you could actually hurt Nabby by damaging her head) is a power move highlighting exactly how vulnerable Abby is, and moreso by how encased Abby is (All she can confirm is there's someone on her boobs/belly and something in her hobbit hole(s)). It really hits a lot of buttons if you do it right!

I think that's part of why I haven't done it before. Even I'm vulnerable to the need to constantly escalate my content with no de-escalation, and sometimes there's a power in simplicity that even I overlook. I think that's why these kinds of works are important, and why its important to have peaks and valleys in your work. No one can escalate forever, and if you never de-escalate, you eventually pop and burn out.

That being said...

It didn't HAVE to be an animation. Most of my ideas don't. Not really. But animation is my niche, and I run with it when I can. I think the animation also enhances the peril for Abby, since I don't think a single image communicates the full extent of Nabby's maliciousness (such that it can be called as much). Its a fine line; Nabby can't do anything that would make you not want to see Abby get caught, but at the same time, must do SOMETHING that makes you understand why the traditionally non-subby Abby wouldn't just submit to her (which is partially why Abby is a domme-leaning switch; its no fun without that tension!) 

And, corporate talk: Just like full colors did better than my monochrome work, animations tend to do better than illustrations. Its the rub to having a niche style, subject and protagonist; you get a niche audience. Super loyal (THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH YOU GUYS! *CRIES TEARS OF JOY), but also super small, so you, as the artist, have to work a little harder than your more traditional contemporaries to reach the same laymen. Some of you might have heard me complain about this on Discord. I don't mind too much; I like that you guys actively engage with Abby, Nabby and Gale, I like doing what I do, how I do it, and I'm not looking to change anything just to pander unless its a trend I would enjoy. But I am aware of the landscape around me, and how to do better. Its how I GET better. 

So yeah! check out the new AbbyPillow today, and its slimy variants, the Nabby Pillow (Oh fudge, I just had another idea) See you soon for that variant!

So, what do you guys think? Let me know in the comments; they let me know how I'm doing as your magnanimous MC! Catcha over Yonder!




Kiwi Kink

The Abby pillow is such a great concept, and you delivered on it perfectly! Always enjoy the sheer level of thought you put into your pictures and animations, and I think that care shines through in the work itself :)

Trevor Bond

'It didn't have to be animation'.... Yes, it did, lol. It would have been nice as a drawing but it's excellent as an animation loop! And I couldn't agree more about peaks and valleys in one's work. I have known a few creators of stuff that tried to push eternally upwards towards perfection, and.... well, most of them burned out, either for a time or permanently, while the minority went full Frank Miller style crazy and their work became incomprehensible. Which isn't good if you're nowhere near as famous as Frank Miller. As for the intimacy, I have it on good authority from Nacha that the stomach is probably the most comfortable place to rest your head if lying down, but she finds her sub's boobs to be an excellent neckrest thanks to their height difference, lol.


Thanks Kiwi. That's always the hard part: making sure the thought shows in the animation, rather than in the explanation after the fact, cuz it could easily go the other way, and that's just not a way to go, either.


That's a lot of the fun of being short, and making Abby so short. She'd probably take advantage more often if her dommes let her! In regards to workload, I'm learning to move away from trying to "top" myself, and just working on what feels fun, while still doing my best. If it "does well?" Yay! If not? Oh well. On to the next thing!