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Even the goddesses need to relax after a long day of smashing! and so Palutena introduces Rosalina to a favorite hobby of hers while repurposing Galeem's binds from the World of Light!

Process Gif:

The Rant:

So, this came out of nowhere! Well, kinda sorta. This was a doodle from a while ago back, back when I was primarily hanging out in FalseAlias's Discord, which has an affinity for the ladies of Smash, and have envisioned Palutena as this dastardly domme with a penchant for roping up her fellow competition, primarily False's favorites, Samus, Rosalina and Bayonetta.  Caught up in the hype, I did some doodling myself!

Despite the blurb, this doodle actually predates Super Smash Bros ultimate, and the introduction of its kinkily meme-worthy light-strand restraints. I just picked glowing ropes because I figured that as "Godly/Cosmic" forces, Palutena and Rosalina would have access to something more "mystical"-appearing in nature. 

You might have noticed (via the process gif) that some elements of the drawing underwent a re-drawing. I was looking for work to practice coloring, came upon this finished file, and decided to touch it up/redraw it before adding colors. This was before I'd committed to a coloring process, and as such there's a few more experiments (such as graded lining and color-flatting) than what I would settle on half-a-year later.

While satisfied with the premise and the general silhouettes and posing, I wasn't satisfied with Rosalina's fishlips/fisheye expression (as a result of drawing her full eye too far back in her head, as opposed to a "lidded" variant closer to where it normally sits in the skull), Palutena's vaguely confused expression (as opposed to a more kinky mischievious expession), and changing Palutena's near foot to a more relaxed pose. Just goes to show that you can always improve!

Either way, I like the final result, even half-a-year after completion! There's normally a posting deadline when creating this kind of work, since if you wait too late, your skills will have progressed to the point where such work seems incongruent with your skills, but sometimes, things last and should be seen publicly! I think this is one of those times. What do you think? Let me know in the comments, and thanks for your patronage!



Kiwi Kink

Lovely :D

Trevor Bond

Time aside, I think it turned out pretty solid! And hey.... everyone needs a hobby... even goddesses!