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Anonymous Tome

It's another version of the Skull Tome, but this time slightly simpler!  We already have the aforementioned skull decoration as well as the Compass Tome version, but this version omits the decoration entirely (unless you count a few little bits of texture) and makes the cover much more subtle.

This one is only in single-material version, and is otherwise the same as its predecessors, including the option for up to sixteen 6mm x 3mm cylindrical magnets to keep the cover closed.

You'll find this one at at 550 Anonymous Tome

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Taller Sea Meadow Jars

Do you have slightly taller things to store in a cylindrical vessel?  Well today is your lucky day, because there are now two new sizes of Sea meadow Jars! 

It's just as well that the original, short version only has a thread at the base, because these taller ones would take forever to open if they had threads all the way up, even coarse threads like this uses! 

You'll find this one at at 547 Taller Sea Meadow Jars

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592




Ooh i like the stripes on the jars!!!! is the multicollor file in there i sure hope so looks great!!


Would really like an anonymous tome that was smaller but the same height to fit a deck of TCG cards. 60 to 100 cards.