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Hi, wonderful people!

You might remember the Japanese Weave Tiles from a little while back.  I really love that style of weave and I wanted to work that into a vase mode print.  Now, there are complications in doing that, because we need to consider 'overhang' angles both upwards and downwards.

My favourite approach to dealing with that, especially if I'm not entirely sure how things are going to end up, is to start by developing the "front" detail, which in this case is the three-pronged form that curves outwards at the centre so that the ends of the adjacent tiles' prongs will sweep in beneath it.  Then it's a matter of "extruding" that in all directions at 45 degrees to ensure that all the angles are friendly.

I put "extruding" in quotes because it inevitably involves hacking things into bits, constructing planes and filling in behind them, because the actual extrusion tools are really not built for such silliness!  But conceptually, it's like extruding back and wide into the main body.  Then it's a case of tiling, trimming the tiles so they overlap the correct amount, and constructing the rest of the design around it.  Problem solving really is the most fun part of designing things! :)

Printed in glorious ProtoPasta What Karat Smooth Gold filament

Print Description

This is a vase mode print, so set your slicer accordingly!

Print Dimensions

By default, this is 134mm x 134mm on the print bed and 190mm tall, but may be scaled up or down easily!

Supports Needed?

Not at all!  Designed for straightforward printing!


This one will scale easily, up or down!

Print Orientation

As usual for a vase mode print, this one is oriented right-way up!  Thanks to Asylum Makes for printing this one at the 2023 East Coast RepRap Festival! :)  (Hey, Asylum Makes, what filament is this one?)

File Location

You'll find this one at at 546 Triplicity Tub

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Further Thoughts

I often get requests for regular mode versions of vase mode models, but for this one your best bet would be to just set the slicer to more than one wall, and keep the zero infill and no top layers, so that way the cool texture on the inside can be retained :)

Happy printing!






Like it! There is fixing needed though. Take a look :) Thanks


This is amazing, would be amazing if there were a removable lid for it