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Vase Mode Cauldron

You might remember Skeleton Soup from around this time last year!  Well, I had a request for a vase mode version of the cauldron from that!  Of course, it wasn't a model that was directly viable to print in vase mode, so a few changes had to be made, most notably to the handles, so that all the angles were vase-friendly.

There are a few other changes, too - a set of texture lines around the top and the addition of circular pits around the cauldron surface.  As well as making it look more interesting (since it's now lacking any skeletons) these features improve strength and add a little rigidity.  However, it's still a vase mode print, so there's a limit to how robust it can be!

For uses for which vase mode prints just isn't going to be strong enough there's also a regular mode version somewhat confusingly titled "thin cauldron" to differentiate it from the vase mode one!

File location:

You'll find these on dropbox under 627 Vase Mode Cauldron

Planar Dish for Magnets

Another request!  This time, to add holes for magnets in the planar dish.  I added lots of holes!  However, just so that not all the holes need be populated with magnets there's also a model for cylinders to plug those holes.

There's also a multimaterial version (for systems like Prusa MMU, Palette, or similar) that includes rings around the magnet holes, just to look cool...

File location:

You'll find this on dropbox under 628 Planar Dish for Magnets

Multimaterial Coasters

Remember the simple coasters from a while back?  Did you ever notice how much they lacked hexagons?!  Well, now there's a version made for multimaterial systems (like the Prusa MMU and the Mosaic Palette) that faciliates all the hexagons!

The hexagons are provided both as a single file containing them all, and as individual files - just use whichever works best for your workflow...

File location:

You'll find this on dropbox under 630 Multimaterial Coasters




I'm curious - why the magnets in the dish?