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Hey there, wonderful people!

It's a burger!  And it can hold stuff!  How much stuff depends on how many layers are stacked together...

The Nice Buns Burger Box parts print separately and each component screws onto the bun base, with the bun top lid screwing on to close things up.  The cheese obviously needs to screw in on top of the patty, but the greenery could really go either above or below the patty and cheese.  Don't skip the greenery, it's what makes the burger healthy, you know.

There's a Middle Bun model, too, and that's used for making multi-layer burgers!  The Middle Bun is similar to the Bottom Bun but has no base, meaning the interior of the stacked burgers is one contiguous space. 

In theory, you could keep stacking more layers forever!

Print Description

These are regular mode parts that screw together for assembly.  Tolerances are generous but neatness is still needed in order to ensure the parts screw together properly!

Print Dimensions

The Bottom Bun is the largest part and occupies 80mm x 80mm on the print bed and is 37mm tall.

Supports Needed?

Not at all!  Designed for straightforward printing!


This should scale reasonably well - the threads will take up the slack, and it will take a lot of scaling up to cause the threads to be so loose as not to engage.

Print Orientation

Each part prints right-way-up except the cheese, which prints upside-down.

File Location

You'll find this one at at 629 Nice Buns Burger Box

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Further Thoughts

Does this burger need something to accompany it?  A shake, perhaps?  We shall see...  

Happy printing!






what colour did you use for the buns? they look fantastic


Ooh, that's one of the PolyTerra colours. Hmm. It might be 'peanut'? There are a few variations on browns in their range now, so it's really hard to tell without comparing it to the spool (which I've since run out of, haha)


Love this!!! Any chance you can add more toppings like Bacon, tomatoes, onions? Also make taller threads on the bottom and middle buns for more toppings/patties?