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All inspired by requests - Two fidgety models and a rubbery tablet stand foot!

Filament Fidget

First up, a request from my good friends at Filament Stories!  Part torture test (but not really), part fidget toy, part "maker coin", this mechanical contraption involves two large and two small bevel gear cogs that all move independently thanks to hidden swivel mechanisms inside!

It's not really a torture test, since it's designed for maximum printability - the main thing to consider is bed adhesion, which is going to be important for making sure all the parts stay where they're supposed to as the print proceeds.

This is actually the second version of the fidget after an initial one just seemed a bit too big.  That initial large one is, however, tucked away in a subfolder in Dropbox if you're curious!  It's the same concept but a completely different model, not just this one at a different scale.

You'll find this one at at 643 Filament Fidget

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592 

Twisty Turbine

Another request made a really good point about how useful it would be to have a test model that uses very little filament but which could explore how well a filament handles a mechanical model with tight clearances and a need for good bed adhesion.  So, here we are: the Twisty Turbine!

Once again this isn't entirely a torture print, in that it's comprised of friendly angles and is meant to be as reliable as possible while still retaining some good test features.  The blades are attached to a knurled handle and rotate within the outer shell, but are guided by interior rails to keep things moving smoothly.

You'll find this one at at 640 Twisty Turbine

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592

Flex Foot for Planetary Ptablet Platform

One last one that's really been useful for me personally - rubbery feet for the Planetary Ptablet Platform!  Print the rubbery foot in TPU or something similarly flexible, and print the new bolts designed to hold the foot in place and you'll have a stand that is far less prone to sliding on a smooth surface!

You'll find this one in the original folder: 667 Planetary Ptablet Platform

Link to dropbox post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/31697592




worked great already printed 2


Printed the HECK out of these :) also bought a bunch of ProtoPasta samples to make them :)