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Howdy, wonderful people!
I was clearly channelling my favourite science fiction design tropes while I put this one together!  It's all fins, slabs and mesh with oversized moving parts for a super-industrial style.  Think spaceship access panels and service ducts, supply crates and emergency escape kits...

The box prints front-down, with the lid and body already assembled via that big hinge at the back (which is on top when oriented for printing).  Printing sideways like this has some nice consequences, like the arbitrary shaping of both the lid and base, which means this box is stackable.
Now, the ring part is separate and essentially optional, but a) it secures the box close nice and firmly, and b) it looks much cooler with it, so you should print that too.  I did have an earlier prototype with a rotating latch on the inside - I'll put some photos up at the end of the month!  It was okay, but not nearly as cool or effective as the screw closure.

Printing details
This is a fairly big print, but the it's designed for straightforward printing.  No support needed, and the box itself prints assembled.  The ring part prints separately.  You'll want your first layer to look nice, since that'll be the front of the box :)
* Box prints front-down, so the threaded part is against the bed.
* Ring prints back-down, with the narrow end upwards.

Height 140mm (so, 140mm long in print orientation)
Width 117mm
Depth 105mm (so, 105mm tall in print orientation) 
File location
You'll find this one on dropbox under 821 Operator Box
Final thoughts
I really love the way that textures can be suggestive of other materials, like the grille pattern here. And, I just like textures in general :)
Have fun!




Looks sick!! Can't wait to print this


I've been waiting for a nice Clockspring model to cross my path... Been printing those little SD card boxes to compensate for my lack of something interesting to print. Now my biggest hurdle is finding enough filament...


Wow! Absolutely amazing! My new favorite! ❤


Jesus man, your so dam good at these.


ive printed loads of your boxes, and I don’t even have a use for them lol.


sorry for multi posts, phone doesnt line drop.. can i just recomend a small thing when you post, in the superb pics you post, could you do the one that is the orientation, with label saying so, just think it would save a few questions.


Great model! Do you think it will print/work fine if I upscale it 150% ?


It should be okay, yeah! The screw closure will be fine, and the hinge shouldn't be overly affected :)

Troy DeJesus

Mine is on hour 26 of printing with about 4 to go. Looking great so far and I really like the texture on the sides


Very cool! I just finished printing another one myself that took about the same amount of time :)


Definitely my new favorite. Well done.

Cathy O'Malley

The tolerance is bit tight for mine. I am going see it I can open it.


I made this and it turned out great. I have printed like 7 of your models so far. Best patreon so far.

Dan Crandell

Can I ask what is the pla brand used? Hatchbox? Spider maker?