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Hey there wonderful people!  

I get a ton of great feedback on designs, especially along the lines of "hey, it would be really cool if..."  And that's what the models in this post are all about.  Some things had a heap of requests (Pi4B case, I'm looking at you!), and some much less so but seemed like a fun idea... let's have a look!

Hinged Pi4B Case

That's right, it's much like the Pi3B hinged case, but with the port layout of the Pi4B!  So, check out the writeup on that original model for more information on printing and design.  There are three  different models: no top panel slots; camera and GPIO slots; camera and GPIO slots with mounting points.

You'll find these models in the dropbox folder named: 822 Pi4B Hinged Case 


Nozzle tray and Short Lid for Mission Box 

 The nice thing about the Mission SD Card Box design is the ability to swap in different inners, so here's a new one!  It's a caddy that'll hold standard nozzles, and while I was at it I whipped up an alternative lid that is as short as possible and thus stops the nozzles bouncing out of their little homes.  Actually, the first design I made of this carried through that inner dip design, and that didn't do so well on the bouncing around concerns.

These new models are in the  824 Mission SD Card Box folder, and the files are:

* Base inner - nozzles.stl

* Short lid.stl


Micro Flask without the label!

That's right, it's the same as the regular Micro Flask, but with the flat protrusion for a label removed.  Very simple.

You'll find this one in the 835 Micro Flask folder, and it's named"

* Body without tag.stl


Poker-Sized Card Box

I've had a simple card box on MyMiniFactory for ages, but it was specifically for the smaller of the two standard sizes of playing cards.  By request, here's a wider version to handle other larger standard size!

The files for this one are under 825 Poker Sized Simple Card Box

 (also, I put this one up on dropbox a few days ago now, so it's probably not news to anyone!) 

(Sort-of-) latching version of the Radiator Box

Ah, latches!  And closure mechanisms.  I love them and they drive me mad.  Adding a slight closure to this design really drives home what a terrible idea it is to tack on design features at the end :D  There were a few approaches I explored on this one, and this was the most palatable and unintrusive, but it's also only very minimally effective.  

The problem, of course, is that there's a huge amount of flexibility in that curved lid, which is a double-edged sword.  While that allows for parts to clip together neatly with a bit of tension, it also means that it's really too easy to push the lid back and open it, no matter how big the latch is (I tried a couple of options).  A screw closure or a forward-facing clip would work better, but that would require a fairly fundamental change to the way the whole thing looks, which seems a shame

So, it's effective to a minor degree, but in practice it's more of an aesthetic change than anything!  I've put this in an "experimental" folder under the regular Radiator Box, and there are models there for both the single print version and the one that takes an insert.

Final thoughts...

Please keep the feedback, ideas, thoughts and terrible jokes coming!  Meanwhile, back to the test prints for me... :)






Haha, now I know why I ran out of light blue filament....


Nice! Beautiful and elegant! :) Continuing on the clousure mechanism bad idea topics, have you ever tried to create a clousure lego-block-like given the challenges of 3D printing tolerance? You are an excellent designer when it comes to consider that. I wonder what shape, form and use would you give to a lego-like attach mechanism. Maybe keeping it oversized a bit to help with tolerance? Rounded instead of squared? Sounds like a doable bad idea challenge? ;D

Cathy O'Malley

You have been busy, they are awesome.


Haha, I was half way through writing a response about how that kind of thing doesn't really work, but then I thought of a way that might work, using tapered elements to compensate for variability in the precision of different printer setups 🤣 The great thing about bad ideas is that they can end up leading to great ones (or at least fun ones).

Michael's Workshop

Could you produce a variant of the Pi4B case with clips or screw holes to hold a small fan on the top lid? The Pi4B runs hot and really benefits from a fan or cooler. A popular small fan size is 30mm x 30mm x 7mm. Thank you for all of your great designs!


Sure thing! Ooh, maybe a built-in slot that would hold a fan without needing screws, that would be neat. I currently have a pimoroni fan shim on mine, which just sits on the board itself - let's see if I can find a local supplier for little 30mm fans :D