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Hey there, wonderful people!  

The pile of SD cards sitting under my monitor almost resembled some kind of order, in as much as the cards were at least in one place.  But at some point it occurred to me that life could be better.  And now it is!  So let's have a look at this design.

The most obvious thing is that this is an assembly.  The base is made up of two parts, an inner and an outer, and they can be printed in different colours for extra fanciness.  However, that's not actually the key reason for making the box body a two-part thing. 

Since the inner is a separate component, we can swap it out for different designs (or just choose a different one to print in the first place).  So far we have:

1) ten SD card slots

2) five SD card slots and open section that occupies half the box

3) an open section that occupies the whole thing

But really, the point is to be able to print it in different colour combinations :)

And, there's a lid!

I was initially planning to hinge the lid and base together, but it occurred to me that for my own purposes I don't actually need or want a lid at all.  My version of this is sitting under my monitor, serving as a tray for SD cards, and a lid would just be a hassle.  But anyway, there's a lid there if you need it 😁


The inner dimensions of the open, undivided box insert are 62 x 24mm.  The other two versions chop that up into sections to hold SD cards. 

Printing Tips

Easy print, really!  The tolerances are generous and there are no silly angles or overhangs.  There's a tiny bit of bridging at the top of those side openings on the base outer, but that shouldn't cause too much difficulty.  The gap between the lid and base is 0.5mm on each face, and the gap between the base outer and inner is 0.3mm.

The base outer and base inners print base-down.

The lid prints top-down.

File Location

This one's on dropbox, sorted to the top at the time of writing, in a folder named "824 Mission SD Card Box"

Final thoughts

When developing print-in-place designs it's easy to forget how fun it is to print things in different colours and assemble them.  Even when there are only two parts there's a certain satisfaction in pushing those bits into place and creating the final overall shape... then again, maybe that's just me :P

Have fun!





Charlotte Heilling

are you reading my mind?! seriously, i was just looking for something like this


thats perfect, i was looking for something like that as well. you rock! thank you


🌟☆🌟☆🌟☆🌟☆🌟☆🌟☆🌟☆🌟 ☆🌟☆🌟 ╔╗╔══╗────╔═╗───────╔╗ ║║║╔╗╠╦╦╦═╣═╬═╦══╦═╗║║ ║║║╠╣║║║║╩╬═║╬║║║║╩╣║║ ╠╣╚╝╚╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╩╩╩═╝╠╣ ╚╝──────────────────╚╝ 🌟☆🌟☆🌟☆🌟☆🌟☆🌟☆🌟☆🌟 ☆🌟☆🌟

Cathy O'Malley

This is exactly what I need.


I loved making this box! I printed 2 inserts, one for SD cards and one for nozzles! Now I have to print the taller lid so my volcano nozzles will fit! Great design!


These are great. Do you think you can do inserts for 1/4" and 4mm hex driver bits?


This is an awesome design, I love that you can print different inserts without having to print a new lid/base, so useful!!!