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Hi, wonderful people!

One more variation on the screwtop flasks - this time a small, round one!  And, as you've probably noticed from the picture this one has an inset for a label, too!

Now, I personally decided that I liked having handwritten labels, so I printed the tag object and grabbed a sharpie.  However, you can always load up the STL into your CAD package of choice and pop some text on there that way, too:

Printing Tips

 This one's pretty straightforward!  The lid and the flask body have a generous amount of clearance for the threads, so there's not a lot to go wrong.  They both print bottom-down.

The tag part is quite simple, but it does have a direction, as one end has a 45 degree cut at the bottom that matches the top of the inset on the flask body.  So, bear that in mind when you're adding text or writing onto the thing!  

Now, you can either print the tag to friction-fit into the inset, or you can just glue the thing in.  If you're doing the former, you might want to adjust the scale of the tag slightly until you get the right amount of friction for your particular printer setup.  The tags are only 1.5mm thick and quite small, so they're very quick to experiment with!   They print inside-down, if you see what I mean.


You'll find these files on dropbox under "Micro Flask".  

The lid model in there is the same as the previous flasks, but is included here for convenience.

Some final thoughts!

You might notice a vague similarity between the inset here and the outer features of the Chained Hatch Container.  I was going back and forth between the two designs while contemplating those kinds of elements, and evidently they fed into each other!  The insets on this model originally had a slot at the top into which to insert the tag, but making it robust meant adding a lot of thickness.  Friction fit is a simpler and neater solution anyway.

I kinda want to put together a square-ish version of these flasks, so maybe we'll see one more of them yet...

In the meantime, have fun (and stay safe)!





Cathy O'Malley

I love this one. I have a surprise for you hopefully tomorrow.