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Here's part 10, coming in hot at nearly 24k words!

And that's a wrap on book 1 of Adamant Blood! I hope you enjoyed the ride.

more books to follow, obv. this is a long-form story.

The whole thing will eventually be published as a book (or maybe a trilogy (a part 1 of 9 books trilogy??)) on KU! This was around 350k words, which was a bit more than what was planned, but that's life!

I'll start on writing book 2 soon enough. It'll be 2 weeks of planning and then a week of writing, tho before you get that first chapter, unless you want another part 1 that's 120k, but I doubt I'll ever do that again.

I know I just took a break, but that was life. this is book writing.

see you in 3 weeks! (or sooner, you know how it goes)

Thanks for reading!


Cary Edens

Tftc! I look forward to Saturdays for this. The series is great and I'm really enjoying it. The only question I have is, is Mark going to get some therapy to deal with his trauma or is he going to just keep getting propositioned by demons until one offers him easy enough terms?


Can you post the book in a single epub? For ease of reading it all?

zenot funr

So half the length of a f****** Bible is pretty damn big


I enjoy looking forward to Saturdays so much, between Arcs and Wandering Inn chapters it's so nice to tuck in to some fun reading each week. :) Good luck on the Book 2 start, looking forward to it!


This has become my favorite series so far.

Cameron C

What a fucking amazing book end. I will be happy to see where you go after this when you get back.


I'll release an edited Epub for patrons before I pub it to KU, for sure.


Thank you! Is this "book" as in how some stories are split into parts, or like a separately publishable book? Like book 1 of a series? Either way, congrats on finishing the book!


adblood parts 1-10 are book 1 in a series; that's what i mean. like you'd find on a shelf in a bookstore, or on your own shelf at home, etc.

Khent Mercer

I'm very curious how Healthy Body works in with his other powers. I vaguely recall Asshield saying something along the lines of "do your know what you are?" to Mark when they were instilling Union and Kinesis in him. I'm assuming here that Healthy Body is the power he was born with and also assuming (cause this is usually how this stuff works) that HB is ultimately his greatest strength while appearing to be nearly useless. Probably at least what let's him make Adamantium? And if Adamantium is actually distilled magic and he makes it then is his entire body effectively distilled magic? More!


That was pretty fun. A bit weird that they were told to stop cutting the demon into smaller pieces only to continue to do so. Change of strategy without notice? Wish we got to see him running more experiments with Union rather than giving up and making Weakness the exhale for everything. Doesn't he have a computer in the room? Never used an online thesaurus? Seems like a super basic super simple solution to not knowing vocabulary. Though it's a little annoying that we didn't get to hear any truly important talks with Lola at the end. Waiting a whole extra book for that info is just cruel. Also annoying that the solution to metalkinesis flight is... Mechanical? What? Addashield would never deign to fly with super noisy propellers. Because they would have to be super noisy or they wouldn't be displacing air. Why can air and shadow and light lift people magically but metal can't? This arbitrary lifting limitation is getting on my nerves a bit.

Tom sawicki

Is there an easy way to make the pdf dark mode? I’ve tried importing it into a few pdf readers and can’t figure it out and it won’t open in the epub in the two readers I downloaded.