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Hello! I noticed a few people dipped out of the Patreon after the last update.

One goal I had for this comic was to give people an experience that I as a reader would be satisfied with and would rate highly. That means updating at least (bi-)weekly, offer additional art, and always be grateful. So I make this post not to complain but to invite feedback. If you lost interest in my comic or dislike the way the story has progressed, I absolutely welcome you to speak your mind. I value negative feedback just as much as positive.

It is understandable to not enjoy the continuous downward spiral that is Mostly (h)Armless. My only defense is that I was never given any inclination from the audience that they thought things were getting too much. I am 6 pages away from finishing the comic (total page count is 75) so I can no longer make changes to the story. But my memory is not reset between comics so I can still take whatever wisdom bestowed on me on to my next project.

Everyone is free to come and go as they please. Nobody owes me anything, not even feedback. And I understand that one could end their pledge for a myriad of reasons; lack of funds, other people that they would rather support, etc. And not necessarily because they dislike my comic. I just want you to know that you are allowed to say so if you are dissatisfied. Some people might think it is confrontational, or perhaps they just don't have much to say and prefer to read in silence. And that is okay. But the door is always open. I want to get better at this. And I want people to enjoy my comics. And your thoughts are an invaluable resource.

The comic will be finished no matter what, even if I must reach the ending alone. But it's always more fun to share the experience with other people. And if you still have to go before it's over, I thank you for the support up until now!

Oh and have a teensy tiny little glimpse of the finale as a reward for reading all of this. One frame I was quite pleased with.

See you next Friday.



The experience you gave with Mostly (h)Armless is not one I even thought possible! I always gush with my friends about how lucky the tiny HFR fandom is to get a comic that is beautifully illustrated, 75 pages long, frequently updated, action and blood filled, and focused on my favorite character. I genuinely didn't believe something this cool could exist in a fandom of what feels like 30 people. I'm also echoing the sentiment that if I stop supporting it will be for financial reasons. You're a fantastic artist and I'd love to see what you make next! (And more bonus art I hope!) The art you draw of Kyle and Banana is very cute, so assuming that's one of your future comic ideas I would love to see it, but it's important to create what you want to make yourself! What I imagine the driving factor behind people leaving is is the scene with 808. People don't like seeing animals being hurt, particularly cats and dogs. Even though she is a robot it's still upsetting. Saying I like M(h)A is an understatement, but that was my least favorite scene for that reason. Was I expecting it? Yes. Does it make sense for that to happen in the story? Also yes! But seeing animals get hurt is a deal breaker for a decent number of people.


I've found that it's the smaller fandoms can create some of the most insane work. Because it's often only the most dedicated people who stick around for that long. But even so, I was surprised and delighted to have other artists join in the insanity with their own high quality comics. It's magical. If people cannot continue to pledge on the Patreon because of money reasons that's absolutely no problem at all! That wasn't really what I meant to say with this post. It's more that the HFR fandom has shown me nothing but kindness so the thought that I may upset some people with this comic weighs on me a bit. And while I can't change the story anymore I can do better next time if people give me honest feedback rather than skedaddle outta here without saying anything. But I'm happy you seem to like the Banana-Kyle concept! They are indeed the protagonists of one of the story ideas I am toying with. And Kyle's a bit-Chai like in terms of looks and personality. (He even has a small animal companion alongside the dragon) so that could be fun! As for the 808 scene...I'm a bit surprised that, after everything that's happened, people could believe the cat was somehow off limits. Although I can understand that it's a painful moment. It's... supposed to be. But it might be too much for some.


I don't play HFR or really know much about it, but I've enjoyed this comic through and through. I doubt I would've had any issue even if I had known about the original game. (Hell, I was super invested in your PokeMonster work! Plus, I've been known to create fan content for my own favorite childhood shows that goes dark as well.) I don't aim to speak for anyone else, but having just come out of the holidays, I know finances are going to be a little tight for me this month. It's possible there are other folks in a similar boat. Also, that teaser looks badass and I can't wait to see that page!