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And this is usually the moment you wake up. 

Crazy to think that, had I gone with my original script, the comic would be done now...




THAT'S A REALLY BAD TIME TO GET PARALYZED BY FEAR CHAI I mean, it's understandable BUT PLEASE SNAP OUT OF IT Also love the 3rd panel, that attack/pouncing-on-its-prey pose you gave VI-RS is downright horrifying! Is your original script different from the current one or is it the execution of the actual comic that takes much more pages than anticipated?


Bro has the look of a rabbit on a midnight road who thinks the best way of dealing with approaching headlights is to stare them out. As for my script… It’s been a mix of both. I had a few key points that I needed to hit for the story to make sense and all of them have been taking more pages than I anticipated. For everything else I’ve kinda just made it up as I went, which also lengthened to comic. It’s now surpassed 70 pages. But I highly doubt we’ll hit 80. (Famous last words)


I never know what's going to happen next, especially with pages like this! Maybe V1-RS wants to play with it's prey and Chai won't get a game over yet? Or the next 20+ pages are the rest of the gang holding a funeral service. Unfortunately for Chai, he's not fighting *my* depiction of V1-RS where 808 can just pounce on the overgrown spider and smush it. But that's good for us since it means more exciting pages!! I don't know what scenes were changed from the original script but the pacing has been great, nothing ever felt like it was going too fast or too slow, so I wouldn't know it was different from your initial script if you hadn't said anything. By the way, I still hope there's a way I can get a physical copy once it's completed! Getting to follow it from the beginning and befriending you has made Mostly (h)Armless so dear to me... but man the logistics of printing and shipping is a nightmare. I had no clue until I started working on the zine, eesh.


Man if it hadn’t passed yet then 808 pouncing on a tiny spider V1-RS would have made for an excellent Halloween picture. I have a plan to get people who want it a Mostly (h)Armless print. But if it works at all it will be a bit legally dodgy so I’m going to give people I can trust an opportunity to order one first before gradually letting others have a chance. It’s either that or making people pay 150-200 dollars a copy. Because printing prices here are criminal (more than a dollar per page) and shipping costs even more so. (Up to 150 to ship a package to the US) And I don’t want anyone to partake in such a broken system. My plan is both much, much cheaper to print, better quality, and if it gets through the nets it will be the cheapest possible shipping option. But we’ll see. Gotta get the comic finished first ⚡️⚡️