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Chai's subdued emotional response to what's happened to him may have let the events of the story come across as less grave than they really are. He was simply so laser-focused on fighting/fleeing, his brain never got a chance to catch up.
Now, however,... Now that he's trapped, unable to fight back and fully aware of what will happen if he gets caught again... well... I guess we're starting to see the cracks. 

Comments always warmly welcomed and highly appreciated!




Your pacing is so good! And the transition from thriller to horror makes it even more of a page-turner. I look forward to Friday more for the M(h)A update than I do for the weekend now! (To the point that I just noticed the estimated page count jumped up trying to count the weeks.) The idea of being pursued by something that can hear your fear makes it even more scary than just playing hide and seek with a killer robot parasite. Also you did a great job translating the beat from a rhythm focused game into silent media! It doesn't stand out from the background until this point when you realize Chai isn't the only one aware of the sound coming from his chest. And of course I love the little interactions between Chai and 808 here! It's cute that he'd rather cling onto her than something he could hit back with (not that it would do him any good).


I wanted to do a spin on that thing authors do when they describe a character's heart beating so loudly they think it might give them away. Except Chai's heart actually does. This idea actually evolved from a comment you made in the earlier pages about whether Chai could control his player or not! And yes, the panels where 808 gets held like a teddy bear are always my favorites. Thank you!


Chai's worst vent experience by far! Really enjoy the buildup of visual noise that happens from top to bottom. It's really nicely pairs up with the situation. (Also apologies for the late replies from me as of late--work has been taking up a great deal of headspace and sometimes I forget. But reading each page has been delightful!)