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No help is coming...

Anyway, a self-repairing robot (or at least one that sort of puts itself back together but looks more and more fucked up as a result) 

I'm frankly astonished none of the enemies in the game could do that. Seems like a very...roboty thing to do. But it could have slowed down the pacing of the fights so maybe it's for the better.

I forgot to save the sketch layer before deleting them. So no wips of that, I'm afraid. The pages have also been taking too long to make. So, after page 15, I'm gonna look into speeding up the process, even if they'll look a bit rougher as a result. I think it might actually suit the story. because as things become more and more chaotic and nightmarish, it's only fitting that the visuals kind of... fall apart. I've done this before with another comic, Grisly Tales, to great effect. Maybe I'll show you some of those pages another time.




Aw man, KEM-N0 looks way scarier now! (Like insect mandibles, eek) And not only can the gang not come help out, but they can't communicate what's going on either. Welp, it was nice knowing you Chai. Also I like the little details of Chai's outfit changing after being attacked! First losing the pin and pants no longer rolled up, and now losing the jacket. The pages look great as always! But also like they take a *lot* of work, so do whatever is the best for you so you don't burn out!


Thank you. And funny you should mention the mandibles… Or pincers, as I like to call them. Also seems like you took notice of me subtly making Chai faster to draw by removing pieces of him, be it robotic or clothing. 😅

Lysander Croix

Oh my god that’s terrifying. KEM-N0 just fricken snapped its jaw back into place holyyyyy. More lovely, terrified, expressions, and the perspective making Peppermint look so small when it’s stated that the Temporal Displacement is also broken. Really hammering home the gravity of the situation as the lighting just gets darker. I’m so hyped! :D But also, don’t burn yourself out. Your health comes first. And I’d love to see some of those aforementioned Grisly Tales. The whole ‘visuals falling apart’ sounds SO DOPE.