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Well that was harsh.

And also an interesting question on Korsica's part. One that, for everyone's sake, I decided not to answer. But at least Chai's robot arm provided him one last service by destroying KEM-N0's forcefield -and jaw- which held him trapped.

It also appears that the comic will likely be a bit longer than 42 pages. I've been writing a few additional scenes to give our main baddie more screen time. And more wicked abilities. I really look forward to showing what it can do.



Lysander Croix

One more thing! The damaged voice box effect. It visualizes the sound of static and grain the way I see it myself, so that just tickled my brain. :D


Aw man I am so engrossed in this! I get so giddy whenever I see a new update!! Especially been enjoying the angst in the past few pages because it's my guilty pleasure haha. But so much care is put in every single panel and it feels so professional! I'm glad 808 isn't too damaged cause Peppermint is right, she's precious, but I actually wasn't expecting Chai's arm to get torn off! Really excited to see what's next :D


Thank you so much for the comment. Reading people's thoughts is actually the highlight of my week and it's very rewarding after the hard effort of drawing the pages! It's both a challenge and a pleasure to make them quickly and consistently. Oh, and, if you're an angst fan, you'll be eating well for the coming months. Because if Mostly (h)Armless had a motto it would be; "But it did get worse."