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Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of updates. June really slipped past me.

Chapter 3 is still progressing along with many pieces being in a partially complete state. At this time I'm still uncertain whether I'll release chapter 3 in smaller polished pieces or try to release all or most of the story at once in a rough state and then polish it after. The latter may be better for development progress.

Overall I'm aiming for 3-4 new enemy types and 2 boss fights, as well as 3 new areas to explore and the special scene with Caspian. Plus many other things. It'll take a while but I think it's doable.

I'll attach some sneak peaks of Caspian and hero's new animation sprites below.

Thank you again for all your support!




Thanks for the update! I'm so excited to see the new update, and just take your time, there is no need to rush the update, if you need an other month to polish it then take the time :)


Thank you for the update. It's so nice hearing from you again! I hope you are taking care of yourself and that life is treating you kindly. Please take all the time you need. I love what you have shown us in this update, it is glorious! Caspian and hero look gorgeous.


Ooo, puppy pose, my favorite 😚

Burns S

Looking forward to it when it's ready, looks great so far!


are we still only able to romance one? iirc we could only choose between the one of the too, how is it gonna work with caspian?


Will there be more about the transformation of hero?


Do you have any plans to update Chapter 3 recently? I can't wait to see the dragonfrom. :)

Richard James

Are you going to create more versions of the hero? (half-goblin eg.) Just wondering. I am amazed at what you have created and am looking forward to the next chapter


You mean starting skins? I probably won't consider adding any more until all the current skins are fully implemented and the monster forms variations.


Well, if there is nothing new soon. I have to cancel the support 😕


That's ok, thank you for the support that you've already given. I'm sorry that the next update will take so long but when it is ready I'll provide you a download link regardless of your patron status.


I'm a new member, I want to know now the latest version of the game, after fighting the fairy boss, what should I do next, because there is no game manual, I'm very confused where to go next, help me


If you've finished the scenes in the fairy realm then you've reached the end of the story content for now.


Is this game still in development?