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Hey everyone it's dev report time.


Earlier I said I wasn't going to work on the Tavern until chapter 3 was further along but I figure during these dreary winter months it's important to make progress where ever the inspiration strikes. The video above shows my current progress on a type of minigame. I'm not sure how in-depth it will end up being but I wanted to add a bit of interactivity to it. Basically the idea is hero ends up taking a part time job working at the tavern serving drinks and taking care of the patrons various needs and in general boosting the overall mood of the tavern. The rewards for doing these tavern shifts would be more gold and unlocking new scenes and maybe some unique items.

New hero model

The rest of the month I've mostly  been working on a new alternate character model for hero to be used in some special scenes.

Between animating and creating new art I've also done so work on the game code. Previously the game was separated into a hub town and discrete dungeons and I've done a lot of work over the course of development to move towards an interconnected world. Now, that work should be mostly completed. I've added a new entrance to the Aqueducts directly from the back alley of the city.

From the city gate, the player will be able to walk to the mercenary camp, then the goblin village and on to the eastern coast where the pirate hideout is located and so on. I hope to add more optional side routes to explore as well as teleport shortcuts to certain locations.

Save files should be converted in the next version to conform to the new ordering of zones but hopefully it won't break anything.

Save data will also be created for animation viewer unlocks. The animation viewer will still need to be updated and expanded on at a later date but there should be more monsters and characters available.

And many other miscellaneous things, new abilities, status effects, items.

Jellyfish animations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CefAJ1izRDM

Unfortunately the game isn't in a state to release a new build right now. There's too many loose ends to be playable right now and I don't want player's save files getting wrecked or falling off the world in an unfinished level. Besides there not being any new content ready.

I'll work towards getting things more stable for February. 

Thank for all your support this month! Let's hope for a very productive 2023.


tavern wip


Raziq Noorali

Absolutely love the new model <3


oo that cutscene angle is nice


Oooh, nice. I cannot wait to play with the bar part-time job...


Whoa! I’m so excited to see these updates come to fruition! The alternate character model for the hero is so exquisite, really nice to see. Glad to hear you’re working on the tavern. Thank you so much for your hard work! I think it’ll be perfect for the hero’s character because he’s so drawn to the adventurer life style. I think it’ll be a perfect way for him to hear stories of exciting adventures from other people, and get inspired by them. He’s so cute when he expresses excitement, and it’s a good way to show off his character. Also, that dance of his is so adorable! I also love how you did the visual effect of him getting drunk. Hopefully no one takes advantage of him. 😉 I really like the hero’s character/personality. This young man learning things in the world and having this very wide-eyed, innocent outlook. I say it adds fun to the sexual aspects and you should keep building off of that.


Thank you so much! It's wonderful to read your comments. I think it will be a challenge to write but I would like a wide variety of dialogue for the tavern patrons.

Aubrey Shaw

Looking forward to it!