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I'm releasing a new build in the hopes it will be less buggy than 0.2.7. However, this build also includes some major updates to the structure and balance of the game. See the September dev log for more information about those changes. There's no new content available at this time but for those of you who decide to check it out again and for those playing it for the first time, your feedback is greatly appreciated. 


Including changes talked about here https://www.patreon.com/posts/dev-report-2022-71468201


  • You can no longer skip the billboard scene and go straight to the Warlock's manor
  • Fixed soft lock from interacting with the patron monuments
  • Fixed fast travel option from billboard being accessible at the wrong times
  • Fixed the dungeon exit trigger after defeating the slime king
  • Fixed an issue where Hero could get permanently stuck in one of his monster forms after retrieving the beast soulgem. If he is already stuck in your save file you can send your save to be edited.

Misc changes:

  • Temporarily reduced Alpha wolf's surrender difficulty to zero until I get a chance to redesign the encounter to have a surrender screen.
  • Experimental feature: When hero is more than two levels above an enemy, the enemy party will receive a heavy debuff at the start of the battle.

Download Links:

Windows: Link 

Windows 32: Link 

Mac: Link 

Linux: Link 

Note: I include Mac and Linux versions but I cannot test or offer technical support for these versions or even confirm whether or not they still work.

Link for possible work arounds for running the game on mac: Link 

Keyboard & Mouse Controls:

  • Left click to break items
  • Right click to interact
  • A,D or Arrow keys to move left and right
  • Space for Jump
  • Left Shift for Special Action(ie "Crouching" used with monster forms)
  • Left Ctrl for Dash
  • Q for character screen (Class, Equipment)
  • V for transform Menu
  • E for item quick menu (outside battle)
  • ESC for game options menu
  • F4 Skip scene, can skip through dialogue and scenes (It's a little buggy)

Controller can be used but it might be a little buggy right now (The selection cursor may disappear, use the mouse to select something again) See the input tab when you run the game for more options



I really like this game! Though I hate to ask such a noob question, is there a special high jump key? I keep seeing things that are either too far to jump, or too high.


Holding the jump button makes you jump higher. Doing a dash + jump can give more momentum to the jump. Dashing in mid-air can give you more distance.


Welp! Time to go offering my body to every slime, plant and wolf that passes by once again!


I am wondering since I have lost all of my data if I can get a save so I do not have to slog through the slow dialog and combat again... I just got the game back after my old pc got fried and I was really hoping to play the newer content. Edit: Oh and when is the direwolf going to be added to the gallery? It has no viewer but the man trap does.


Nevermind I got through the first chapter quickly. Still wondering about the gallery though. I love the direwolf scene but the battle forcing you to die to see it then they vanish forever kinds sucks.


I can see in some videos and screenshots orc/goblin form but I don't have it. I have the slime and the wolf. Did I missed it somehow or will it be added later? (or it could be that I'm just blind and it's not orc form)

Aubrey Shaw

It might be the half-goblin skin, selectable during character creation?


OK, thanks!


hehe this is one of the best nsfw games I've ever played, this new option that shows virginity and level of purity and naughtiness is perfect, it was difficult to battle without the transformations and avoid those fun scenes haha but I'm saving my character's virginity for a dragon I know will one day appear


Are there cheats for this game, im at the fairy prince and im being one shot anytime he uses cyclone. I feel im under leveled and don’t know what to do. Any tips or help would be appreciatedd ty


mc is 5 ash is 5 and i just met the guy with the goblins so he’s level 2 or 3


Were you skipping battles or just surrendering them all? Unfortunately the only thing you can do right now is go back and grind a bit.


the fight against the fairy prince is difficult without getting the wolf transformation, I had to level up to the maximum to get it, and buy elixir


ok i’ll just restart and try again I was skipping a few battles mainly the big plants with the fairy’s since they were a bit difficult


ashe has perfect skills against fairies, with her dark element spells that are fairies' weaknesses and the dipel that removes any buff


I haven't tested it without wolf since the update although I think Ash could handle the dps in place of hero if you can keep him alive. Equip with the wind resistance ring that helps with that.


I have struggled opening it since because I use MAC. How do I do following the steps to open it? Thank you.


it's hard I had to maximize everyone's lv and buy a lot of elixir, haha it's a sacrifice to keep your virginity XD


Heres how I got it to run: 1. Download and move to desktop 2. Open Terminal 3. Type 'cd Desktop' 4. Show package contents of the game 5. Go to 'Contents' > 'MacOS' and right click the file in there, hold the option key and select "copy as pathname" 6. Go back to terminal and type 'chmod +x' and then paste and click enter Should work after that


Thank you @Kafka. I tried following your steps, but I still have been struggled opening with it. Maybe I show picture to you that is easy to find lacking something. I am not sure how to send the picture.

Daniel C Williams

Question; how do you reset the controls to the defaults? Noticed this build (mostly) was aware of my controller, so I tried setting it up, but since i couldn't interact with that faerie consort on the ledge, I decided I should switch back... but when I tried, I apparently fudged the behavior of the mouse too, somehow >_>;;


Hey I had to look this up, assuming you mean the input settings in the input manager when you start up the game? They are saved in the registry. If you are on windows it'll look like this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u0h2q9lwmpn43hf/input%20settings.PNG?dl=0 You can delete the monster souls folder and all subkeys and it'll reset all the unity player settings. Of course editing the registry is not something I want to recommend to just anyone, you are responsible for your own pc...

Daniel C Williams

Yup, that's what I meant, thanks. I don't personally like screwing around in the registry if I don't absolutely have to, so I'll either try to figure out how to fix it otherwise or just wait for a build with control settings that are modifiable ingame. Coincidentally, I will go ahead and make the obvious suggestion that if/when you add that, you include a button that resets the controls to their default settings.


I solved it, put Monster Souls in the application folder, open the terminal and type the following command: chmod +x /Applications/nameApp.app/Contents/MacOS/* Obviously you have to replace "nameApp" with the name of Monster Souls, which you can also rename. I recommend that you rename it MonsterSouls all attached. It should work. Have fun!


I've updated this post to include a link to mac instructions gathered here https://www.patreon.com/posts/57772297. Hopefully people will be able to find it easier.

Orochimaru Sábio Lendário



I think around level 13 right now.


Try the dispell after he applies bark armor and drain mana


Hi, is there any way to access ash and lyrics equip screens?


If you're using a controller (I use an Xbox One controller), pressing the left and right bumper will let you switch between them. Otherwise it should be whatever is set for Next Screen and Previous Screen under the input controls. You can check those when you first run the game and get the option to set your resolution, click on the Input tab to view them. On mine it was set to Page Up and Page Down, those may be the default controls for the keyboard. I tried them using my laptop keyboard and those buttons did switch between the characters as well.


Thank you for that amaizing game. So many details and other things. Is it possible to finish the second mission? beast gem has been received, I can return to the the town, but that it. Ash doesn't say anything. Creepy uncle says that I should properly prepare for the next mission, although it has already been successfully completed. Did I miss something? I (Hero) can't go to sleep. Or final for this mission is not completed? And what to do with items like a sock, a mushroom, etc.?


Thanks. The mission will continue in a future update. The sock and mushroom are just cosmetic items for the pet slime.