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So far, what encounters have you found to be legitimately difficult? Feel free to elaborate in the comments. 

(Yes item and skill descriptions are coming.)



Answered Mantraps and Hobgoblins (I'm assuming these are the armored goblins?). Mantraps seems like they're strong for when you encounter them, so they take some work and potions. They're doable, but grindy. The Hobgoblin is much more enduring than the other goblins which also required me to be more cautious. I only fought Beta Wolf/Alpha Wolf group when leveled up, so can't say.


Alpha Wolf: It attacks too high damage. inevitable death to one of your party members.


Faerie Prince: It's difficult to recognise that you should try dispel from your newly recruited party member.


Actually, I really didn't like the speed of combat. It makes me want to avoid combats. Even old school games like FF1, FF2 are faster than it. That's the first problem to defeat other bosses because you won't want to grind for level up.


I have two problems with Mantraps. 1) they feel like an elite enemy when you meet them, but they're the only thing to farm in the area (aside from the pixies). They would be much more exciting as slightly rarer 'threats' among some more normal foes (like the wolves in the goblin base are). 2) the pixies. Heal bot enemies just aren't fun, especially in multiples. When they babysit a Mantrap when you are first getting to the area it feels like you just have to sit there and chug potions to survive the Mantrap while you kill the immortality bots guarding it. Maybe an option would be to add "blank" attacks to a number of enemies that seem to cause problems; a move which doesn't really do anything, but fits their character (like pixies distracting a character for fun or wolves sniffing).


The balance of the game will be a whole lot different in the next build. In my testing I am usually able to finish the pixies off before they can heal but I'm probably overestimating the level of the average player. But I agree that monsters healing is not a fun way to add challenge it just draws out the battle. I fixed an issue where they had unlimited MP as well as adding new strategies to deal with them. I think it will feel good as long as the player can recognize different strategies especially with the UI update surfacing more info to the player that will allow me to add back in some of the more esoteric abilities.


Yeah, I agree that a lot of the awkward moments in battles are down to it not being clear what abilities to use in what situations. It'll be good to get some UI tweaks there! On my first time through act 2, I surrendered almost every fight in the first forest and ended up doing my leveling in the goblin camp since it was much easier. My poor hero was heavily pollinated!


Hmm, the plants were mostly tedious for me honestly, with a few close calls occasionally. Might’ve also purposefully walked into the alpha wolf fight to specifically surrender to him… I enjoy that scene Pixies are ok, but I’m not entirely sure what to make of them. Wolf groups are potential death traps if they oneshot everyone and probably the main mob I’ve avoided besides the mantraps to speed through the forest area

Marcus Green

Is it possible to cheat? I love the game but I'm not a big gamer. Would be amazing to just cheat the characters stats to go through the adventure.


Only thing that felt too hard to me was mantraps when I first started exploring the forest. The hobgoblin and alpha wolf groups were hard and the faerie price was hard but I actually found that refreshing that a game like this has actual challenge. When I tried to avoid all the enemies in the goblin camp and fight these harder ones I got messed up but after clearing the whole camp, getting some gear drops and finding some treasure, leveling up, and getting some practice with new abilities, I was able to beat them without too much trouble. I appreciate that it feels like you're making an actual game with actual challenges, rather than just a visual novel that goes through the motions, as adult games tend to be. (and take my comment with a grain of salt regarding difficulty because I've only played 0.2.6, I just joined this patreon and assumed the post at the top was the latest build but I see now it's an older pinned post.)


Thank you for the feedback! The mantraps should be easier in 0.2.7 and future builds. The overall balance of the game is currently in flux as I continue to add and adjust various mechanics, abilities and behaviors but I would like to maintain that level of challenge.