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Hello again everyone! I have a new build of the dungeon prototype for you. It includes an update for the Slime King and everything that I worked on in the first half of March. Please keep in mind this is still in early development and many things will be improved upon in the coming months.


Links removed, download latest version.

Keyboard Controls:

  • WASD or Arrow keys to move
  • Space for Jump
  • Left Shift for Special Action(ie "Crouching" used with the slime form) 
  • Left Ctrl for Dash
  • E for character screen (Class, Equipment)
  • Q for item quick menu (outside battle)
  • ESC for game options menu(only quit game for now) 

 Debug only, may cause sequence breaks:

  • F2 Secret Test Scene
  • F4 Skip Scene
  • F8 Skip to final boss (hit esc and resume to unlock after using)

Controller can be used but it might be a little buggy right now (The selection cursor may disappear, use the mouse to select something again) See the input tab when you run the game for more options. 



Miles W

When testing this build out i noticed that when i Pressed Q to open my inventory it would flicker between the inventory screens rapidly, not sure if that's an issue on my side or a general in game bug thought i'd point it out; enjoyed this demo either way keep up the progress on the game!


Thanks for letting me know, I'll look into it. Were you using keyboard and mouse or gamepad?

Caspian Suvantis

If you have your inventory open and a scene pops up (the f2 one at least) you can still move around. Same thing happens when you dash. This was using Keyboard controles. In love with the game though so far and excited to see more.