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Wanted to do a little breakdown of my thoughts going through this challenge. If you don't care much about behind the scenes thoughts/ramblings, etc then feel free to ignore this post! Either way I hope you all enjoyed the content and have a nice day.

So the hardest part of this challenge for me was actually the ideas. Last time it was actually getting through and doing everything in a day, but since I knew I was able to do that I knew, at bare minimum, I needed to just repeat the process. Since loops+variation are what I've done the most, that's what I stuck with. But lately I feel like I've been having a bit of creative block. The challenge made that abundantly clear to me that this is definitely a thing I'm going through right now. I tried thinking of different ideas and even asked in discord, but none really stuck out to me. I even had a plan for an animation in my head dealing with some cyberpunk characters, but after going to bed and waking up... I just didn't want to animate that idea for some reason. I'm not sure why sometimes I have this arbitrary limit or... indecisiveness as to what characters, positions, etc. But it was definitely cropping up a lot during the challenge. But before diving more into that I'll go day by day to talk about the experience.

Day 1 - Wake up and decide, eh lets just go with something loosely centered around "public". This gives me a good bit of freedom while still focusing on some central point. So somehow changing rooms came to mind. I kept the animation work itself pretty simple for this and decided to let the scene and angles do most of the work. I'm super happy with how the results came out, especially since I made the scene from scratch myself... well not everything but at least threw it all together instead of just using a premade map like the next two days. This was the most creative and fun I had during the whole challenge, sadly I kinda peaked from there. Overall fun project to do, could have been fleshed out to be longer but didn't want to push too much.

Day 2 - This took me forever... I originally had an idea of Alex from LiS giving a rimjob in a classroom setting. I got an hour or two into animating and realized that the animation just wasn't working out. And I didn't have the patience to go through and clean up what was there. So I said screw it, and decided to do a different idea. I saw a few 2D pictures a while ago of a character walking away from a messy dildo and wanted to recreate something like that. The idea was simple enough that I could get away with animating it after wasting so much time on the original idea earlier in the day. But even still I was struggling mentally with this one. So much I was even questioning myself as an animator and started looking up prices for online classes again... that's how bad it got. I mostly bring this point up because a lot of artists don't talk about this kinda stuff publically, and I get why. But all artists are human, we're fallible, and I look at myself as no different than anyone else. Still this day is one that pointed out my flaws in my animation and I know where my issues are and what to get better at. It's all a journey, and this was a good reminder that any journey is full of adversity, but that shouldn't stop you. Especially when there's a looming deadline for an animation because you still have one more day AAAHHHHHH.

Day 3 - Again hardest part was thinking of an idea. Going back and forth, being undecisive. I eventually said fuck it, enough I need to work and just went with Makima because I wanted to animate something with her. This one doesn't have much going for it. It's pretty bland and boring to me but it got the job done. I'm pretty tired at this point so whatever does it.

So yeah, first day fun, the rest not so much. Overall still happy I went through with it, and hope you all enjoyed the animations. I'm going to take the next few days to recharge. Once the start of the new week hits we'll decide on what to do next. Until then, take care everyone, have a good one : )



It happens to the best of us. We aren't made to be perfect. Knowing and overcoming our flaws is just a step to getting better. Honestly, You are one of the best animators I've seen.


I love your day 2 with ada and the god I find it great with day 1 thank you for your work