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Hey everyone, hope your all doing well. With the challenge finished there's been a lot of new content out there by lots of other artists, make sure to check out the other participants and give them some love. A list of them can be found in Nyl's orginal post. https://twitter.com/doublenyl/status/1782166397436793180

If you're a $10 patron and care about the unwatermarked archive, I've made it a little easier to access. I have a pinned message for the regular archive on my patreon thats been there for a while, but now that post will also link to the post for the unwatermarked one, so if you have access to that tier you can easily find it. Before you had to scroll through multiple posts to get there, so hopefully this makes things easier for you all.

As always if you have any issues accessing any of my content or rewards here please let me know. I'll do what I can ASAP to fix things if it's an error on my part.


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