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Hello everyone. As always, thank you all for supporting my work, you guys really make these possible.

This episode was really fun to make, its already up with the main one, so probably this one will connect with Fateless soon.

I know my take on A2 is not like in the game, but I think I got pretty close so I think it work like this, also, would you guys like her to have bigger tits or leave them like that?


I hope you enjoyed the two episodes for this month and next months I'll be making Chrono Travelers so it catches up with Tifa.

Thank you guys again and stay safe.



Andrew W

So this month we are getting Chrono Travelers and one more Black Flower episode?


Yep, Chrono travelers with 2 consecutive episodes and this month Black Flower then the next month back with Fateless.

Mr. Don Juan

One particular effect I like was the jiggling effect you did for 2B. I think you should apply it more often. And apply it to their butts.