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Hello everyone, time for another episode.

This side story is getting close to the main one and this one tells us about what happend in the hotel after the time Rachel/Chel went to the other side. More info about the main plot that will help understand everything in the next couple of episodes.

Again, thanks to all of you who have supported me and are interested in my work, I know it may be not very good but It's very fun to me making all of this and I can keep doing them by watching your support, thanks!


E-Hentai Post 

Until next time with more Black Flower (I have to make more episodes of this one so it catches up with the main one)


Tyler Petty

intrusting these story's are connecting in a big way is thier going to be a big climax with all the characters come in one big story

myself yourself

all your story are always connected somehow hein :D