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Hey there y'all, letting you know that you will not be charged for January because I will be taking a break for the month to focus on re-planning my tiers and offerings here! Plus a visual update most likely. I cannot completely list what I'm planning atm but will post updates here visible to members and non members alike for transparency and the ability to provide feedback! The general idea is that I would like to start doing semi regular art streams, probably a few times a month, where patrons can submit ideas to be drawn live! Supplementary to that, I will be creating and releasing a bunch of tutorials for stuff about art topics, leaning towards WG/inflation/general expansion topics and furry art, but also talking about the art process, information on art programs and how they're used, and some mindset related things as well possibly! My idea is to make a bunch of these a month and release them to the public later, eventually compiling them all into a purchasable tutorial pack (that will be free to patrons at the appropriate tier.) Sketchdumps are not changing at all (in fact, I still plan to post a sketchdump for this month), as they are really fun to compile and helps me remember some pieces i like that i otherwise would have forgotten about. I am trying to think of other ways to make it worthwhile to you, as I liked doing sketches for people, but I wonder if there are ways to interest more people, both so I of course have more eyes on my work so i can eat, and also so i have even more cool people to draw cool ideas for. Feels good getting feedback on my work, and I'd like to post more personal worldbuilding stuff here as well, as I NAMED this patreon after my in-headworld laboratory that my fursona owns. I'm not fully getting rid of polls or drawing popular characters, but it's been long enough that I want to switch it up for my ADHD brain. All stuff I will be thinking about as I plan this out! But of course, thank all of you for your amazing support in 2023, being a freelance artist with mental health issues is difficult and there have been multiple times when you guys' generosity has allowed me to rest a little easier after handling rent. Just wanna give back more to you guys if i can, because I want to do WAY more in 2024 with art (up to and including merch, eyes emoji). So yeah, happy new year, please let me know any questions and suggestions you have, and wish me luck on beating this sickness that i am not sure is the pandemic one or just a stubborn as hell chest cold. Later! 

(P.S. Will be using the tag "housekeeping" for updates like this from now on for better organization)

(P.P.S haha peepee)

(P.P.P.S damn what guilty gear combo is this)

(P.P.P.P.S you can tell im a little loopy from the sickness LOL, the actual note is that I want to take my previous poll exclusives and put them into a big art pack to sell (i'd figure out a way to make sure the people who were here paying to see them the whole time could get it for free!))


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