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Done!!! REALLY happy about this, the technique and fun brush interactions with sets of layers designed to get a watercolor effect really helped me work with interesting fun textures throughout! 

Mild confession; I don't really like eggnog that much but at the same time I just haven't had it much, so I think I just need to find the right kind and then I'll be able to get into it. I like what the flavor is GOING for and some eggnog flavored stuff is nice, but the aftertaste sometimes gets to me. I'll have to get experimenting so I too can be just like this image. 

Oh, and drawing Mettaton was in some places more fun than drawing Alphys LOL. I was redoing a bunch of colors on him through the process, not because I wasnt sure, but I was super excited to try new colors out as I went!

Thank you all for supporting me through 2023! I'll make a full post about it, but I'm planning to take January off to plan out a restructuring of my Patreon so I can do more stuff like this, and also add regular tutorial making, and perhaps even art streams for the new year!



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