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Hello Everyone!

This was a very close poll. Clearly there a lot of interest in several newcomers to Paradise and we got a lot of comments on the poll itself , which we always appreciate.  (Never hesitate to tell us how we're doing, we'll use all the data we can get!)  However, for this update, there can only be one winner. Therefore, update 1.7.0 will see the introduction of...

You can look forward to seeing this wonderful addition at the blackjack tables once you've built your Casino. After you've gained her trust, you'll be able to indulge her love of showmanship by making your very own magician, or bring a few smiles to your customers with a kitsune in your employ.

I'd like to thank everyone for voting, as always. We enjoy seeing what the audience loves! However, before we go, we'd like to address the most common question we got during this poll. What happens to the ones who don't win?

Well, we never want to make too many promises, but I don't think losing one poll means we've seen the last of them. Just like we recycle transformation options that appeared before, we'll definitely remember those who had the support and affection of our community, even if they didn't get the gold this time. It will not be update 1.8.0, but keep an eye out during the next year and I think you'll see something you enjoy.

In other news, update 1.6.0 is coming along wonderfully, and we're on schedule for our release. We ought to be able to announce the exact release date next week, and make sure our followers have a very sexy holiday season. We hope you'll enjoy the romance as much as we did writing it.

Happy Hunting!

Cambion and Luciana



Let's see, feedback, feedback... As a first time patron, I would say that in general the biggest selling point of the game for me right now is the wish granting. As in, gradually getting to know your target trying to understand how to give them what they want, while also being influenced by your own desires and the vague hints you get from Mason, as you lead up to the decision that will change the rest of their life (as contrasted with the more one-and-done plot mandated transformations). I would be fine with targets who don't stick around or become irrelevant or have similar transformations to previous characters if it means more content in that vein.


My largest concern is that the time management and resource management aspects will fall by the wayside as development goes on. I think that the lack of time and energy in the first week is an interesting part of the game's mood, since it kind of brings to the front the conflict between the outward idealism of the tower and the very materialistic impulses that motivated its creation. Also I think that putting character tfs to a patreon vote is going to bias development against male characters but that's not really my concern either way.


Thank you for the feedback! Hopefully we can continue being a good investment. I appreciate the thought here. Luciana and I have had talks. Obviously at the end of the day, we do want our audience happy, but we also view it as our goal to make sure the game continues to get what it needs throughout that process. New characters will always be popular, but keeping an eye on the -game- is also something we intend to do, as well as ensuring that we provide a lot of varied content to make sure one particular set of tastes doesn't dominate others. I know that's a bit vague, but trust we are intending to keep it in mind. Thanks again! - Cambion