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Hello lovelies!

Cambion and I had several small news updates that don't have anything directly to do with the content of Paradise Heights itself:

1. Website Updates

Growth is good.  (And girth is better. - Luciana)  We've migrated Sinspirational's website over to its own dedicated webhost who specializes in 'adult' hosting. We hope this will alleviate some of the traffic issues we've encountered in the past, as well as make sure our lovely lewdness doesn't run afoul of any PG-13 Terms of Service at any point.

We also decided that after 6+ months, it was time for a small graphical update.  We've made new banners for Patreon page and our new Twitter account, and does some small color tweaks and refinements to our webpage to keep things looking fresh.

2. Patreon Annual Pledges

You may have noticed that Patreon now allows annual pledges to your favorite content creators. We've enable this for Paradise Heights for those who want it, and since it does require you paying for a full year at once, we've given annual backers a -10% discount on the total price as a small 'thank you' for your long-term support.

If you prefer the month-to-month pledge, then nothing will change.  Your pledge amount remains the same as it always has, and is charged at the beginning of the month, just as before.

No matter which method you choose, we are incredibly grateful for your support.  You're all fantastic, and while Cambion might say we don't deserve fans like you -- let's face it, I'm arrogant enough to say we do <3.

3.  Patreon & SubscribeStar

TL;DR:  We've set up a page on SubscribeStar as an alternative means of support for people who don't like Patreon -- or, in case Patreon decides they don't like us. You're welcome to use either one, but be aware:  SubscribeStar doesn't allow pledging via PayPal.  Learn more.

The details:

Lately there have been rumors that Patreon is cracking down on NSFW content creators, with several larger names having been banned from the service.  Several more large names haven't been touched. As usual, enforcement of the Terms of Service against adult content creators seems to be somewhat arbitrary and random.  

For those unaware, the primary issue is that Patreon has begun de-platforming creators for content that is against Patreon's ToS even if that content isn't on Patreon, and has seemingly flagged several terms as troublesome/worthy of review.

Everything in Paradise Heights falls within current guidelines, and so we don't expect to get flagged.  Adult content in Terms of Service is notorious for 'slippery slopes':  companies begin by banning Very Illegal things, and eventually chip away through 'morally objectionable' until they reach 'honestly pretty tame'   So while we at Sinspirational are currently coloring within the lines, we've no particular confidence that those lines won't be moved.

To this end, we have been expanding our presence off Patreon.  We didn't know, when we started this, whether we'd have any audience at all, and it's been marvelous and rewarding to see how many people enjoy our smut and support our work.  A lot of our setup was, "Well, let's do it this way, and if it takes off, we can do it differently."  

Well, lovelies, it's starting to take off <3  

We aren't closing Patreon, mind you. We'll continue with 'business as usual' until and unless we receive a dreaded nastygram that our work is just too sexy.  But we want to inform everyone of the smoke that's on the horizon, especially those whose favorite creators have already been impacted by this.

We would suggest that if there are any adult content creators whose work you solely consume via Patreon, that you find other ways to track their content and stay connected. We NSFW creators depend so much on the support from our fans and audience -- not just monetarily, but above all for the love and encouragement we get that lets us know that all the effort is worthwhile.


Luciana and Cambion


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