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Luciana here.

Well, that's embarrassing.  After triple-checking things for go-live, we published, and today I wake up to a note from Cambion that nothing is working.  He'd already identified the cause:  I had typed a " > " instead of a " < ".

Both the Sinspirational-hosted and Itch.io online versions have been patched, as have the 'Play Offline' downloads here and at TFGames.  I haven't updated the version to 1.3.1 since it is literally a two-character change.  

What You Need To Do:

If you play online at Itch.io or Sinspirational:  refresh the page (close it and reload it), and then open your save file.  That's it.  You should be good to go.

If you play offline:   Re-download the Offline HTML File and replace the one you already have.  

Now any save games should patch appropriately, and the new content should trigger once the conditions are met.  Those conditions are:   You've played until Lazren's return and you've built the Bank location.

I suppose that despite how very near 'perfect' I am, I do still occasionally make mistakes.  <3

(I'm going to regret saying that at some point, I just know it.)

Love, Luciana

The technical details, for those who care:

I had typed "if save.version > 130" (greater than 130) instead of "if save.version < 130" (less than 130), meaning the new content never triggered, since your save version is ... well, always less than 130!  If your save game is from launch, it would be 100; if it was from Lazren's return, it would be 120, etc.  

Now, with Update 1.3.0, the save game version was set as '130'... but '130' isn't greater than '130', so it still didn't trigger even then!

I've changed the code to read "if save.version < 131", since this will make sure that the new content triggers even for people who have already made saves in 1.3.0 (and thus get the '130' number on their save games). '130' is still less than 131, unless I am really deficient in coffee this morning.



Is there not an operator for greater than or equal to? Maybe >=?


There is, but adding in the 'or equal to' after the fact wouldn't help, because anyone who saved over the old save would now be in 1.3.0 but without the trigger to turn on all the new content! So we just jumped it up to 1.3.1 as far as the save system is concerned and got the fix in!