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It's here!

Luciana and I have been hard at work quashing bugs, tightening paragraphs, and hunting down typos, and the 1.3.0 update is now ready for public release! This update features a new transformable character (Xavier King) and a new employee (Petra Torres) as well as the new constructed building, the Security Office. For more details check the patch notes, and find the links, below!

1.3.0 Patch Notes

Play at Itch.io  |   Play at Sinspirational

Play Offline

Please note that 1.3.0 includes new art, so to play offline you'll need to download both the HTML and the graphics assets!


Long time denizens of this corner of Paradise will know that we have one more set update in the works. Update 1.4.0 will focus on gender options for the protagonist and adjustments/additions to existing content to allow for male and female characters. This is, however, the last of our announced updates, so it will soon be time for our Executive Board (All of you delightfully degenerate folks) to select our next update path!

To that end, we will be posting a poll one week from today that will be open for two weeks, June 30th to July 14th to select what our 1.5.0 update will be. We plan to focus on smaller, more bite sized updates released a little more frequently, so we hope you'll have reason to visit us often. Come by to make your voice heard!

For now, we hope you enjoy this update and our newest additions to the Paradise Heights family. As always, Happy Hunting!




Getting a bunch of these: Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: Cannot read property 'built' of undefined


Dag! This update is really kicking our butt. Lot of fundamental coding that required some changes. Let me see if I can home in. Are you playing the downloadable version, or online? Did you load an older save, or start from scratch? And about where did you see those pop up?


Ah ha! I think I see it. We've got an issue with our old save patcher getting variable for the new characters loaded in. This is going to cause old saves to be non functional. Don't save, leave them where they are, we'll push a quick fix through tomorrow morning that should allow those old saves to function (if you save over your current save though, it won't work, so leave them be!)


Luciana here. I pushed a fix for this this morning, and everything should (!) be working now. It should work with both old saves and new saves, I think. (Famous last words.) If you're playing offline, you'll need to re-download the HTML file from this link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/1-3-0-bugfix-for-38566741 If you're playing online, closing your browser, opening it again, and loading a save file should trigger the patch. Please do let me know ASAP if you're still receiving errors after that!