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“Alright, Frostsong, wrap it up. It’s been almost twenty minutes.”

“Yes, sir.”

Above me, Ranger Frostsong’s thrusts start to get harder and faster, until with a final grunt, he cums for what must be the seventh or eighth time tonight. Thanks to the blindfold, I’m not sure what time it is, I just know it’s been going on for a while. Hell, the only reason I even know it’s Frostsong is because Khazak said his name. Not being able to see has actually helped though, more than I expected to. Seeing the hungry looks on the eyes of the orcs waiting their turn to fuck me was giving me anxiety.

“Deputy Rockfang, it is your turn next,” Khazak continues acting as the referee for my impromptu gangbang, the strain in his voice revealing he is still just as affected by the mushrooms as the others.

“Yes, sir.” I feel Ragnar drop to his knees on the bedroll behind me, straddling my right leg as he pushes up my left, taking aim and re-entering my hole.

Laying on my stomach, I let out a weak moan as I’m filled again, not having the energy for much more. Khazak has been pretty good about changing my position, taking care that I don’t get sore from holding one for too long. I think the worst of the frenzy is over. At some point they started using me only one at a time, seemingly able to wait longer between rounds.

I’m just...a mess. Not even just physically, but my brain feels like mush. I’ve been fucked, and fucked, and fucked, and fucked, and I’ve cum so many times that my stomach is actually starting to cramp from the amount of times my muscles have tensed up. But for all the rough use, I’m also being taken care of. Kind words whispered in my ear, gentle hands stroking my back and thighs, a cool towel to wipe down the sweat and grime of the night.

“Thank you again, David,” Ragnar whispers to me, bending over my body and starts to thrust.

“Mmmm,” I moan weakly in response. I don’t have the brain power for more.

Ragnar’s dick finds little-to-no resistance as he fucks me. His hands are on my ass, steadying himself while he pumps himself in and out of me at a leisurely pace. Even though we’ve been at this four hours, nothing hurts beyond the occasional cramp, which I guess speaks to the quality of the lube we’re using. You might even say I’m still enjoying part of this.

At least as much as I can while being barely coherent. With me once more being filled up over and over again, I can already feel an orgasm approaching. When it finally crests, I can do little more than moan hoarsely as my ass clenches weakly around Ragnar. Not that it stops him at all, if he can even feel it. I’m a mess back there.

Ragnar’s grip tightens as he seems to get a second wind, starting to fuck me faster without a stutter. Hopefully that means he’s getting close, since each man takes longer and longer to cum during each session. I think that’s why Khazak started keeping time. I cum for a second time on Ragnar’s cock before he finally finishes, holding himself inside of me with a grunt.

“Good boy,” he says with a gentle pet to my hair before pulling out.

“Tuskrunner, you’re next,” Khazak shares. “But first I want him moved onto his left side.”

“Yessir.” The ranger dutifully gets to work, tenderly rolling me onto my side.

I feel him kneel up behind me, helping me to tuck my legs in as he gets into position. As my ass is breached again, I wrap my arms around the pillow I was given, tucking it against my chest. Tuskrunner’s style is faster than most of the others, his thighs smacking against my ass at a rapid pace.

He’s also one of the fastest to finish, even after hours of fucking. If he’s got someone at home, they must be very, very happy. Hell, in any other circumstance I’d probably love it too, maybe even see just how many times I could make him cum. But the life-or-death situation combined with having my brain pounded into mush makes this feel a little different.

I can hear Tuskrunner’s breathing to get harder above me, only registering that that means he’s about to cum just as he does exactly that. His above-average (but not as big as Khazak or Ragnar) sized cock pulses as it unloads, though I imagine anything added at this point is pushing just as much out. With a quick pat to the rump, Tuskrunner slips out and stands up.

There’s no announcement of my next suitor, but I still feel someone moving onto the bedroll with me. They lay down, their chest to my back, throwing an arm over me and stroking up and down my chest. As soon as I get a whiff of his scent, I know who it is: Khazak.

“It’s only me, puppy,” he confirms as much, kissing the shell of my ear. “It’s my turn.”

He reaches between our bodies to take himself in hand, his prick slipping between my cheeks like a hot knife through butter. He pushes himself inside of me with as much care as he can, his arm returning to stroke my chest. His tusks brush my neck as he nuzzles against it, always doing his best to take care of me.

He even waits for me to adjust to the stretch, even though there’s no possible way I could need it at this point. His thrusts are just as gentle, our thighs meeting with a gentle paff as he slides in and out. My whole body relaxes as he kisses the back of my neck, while one of his hands gently begins to tease my nipple.

“I can’t even begin to tell you how proud I am of you tonight, David,” he tells me in barely a whisper. “Stepping up like this for us all.”

More like laying down, but I’ll take it. Just like I’m taking all these dicks. Ha.

“You’ve earned a big reward after all this is over.” Oh, I love the sound of that.

Even though he’s got one of the largest dicks here, he’s still able to thrust in and out of me with ease. I can hear how sloppy I am, the way my hole squelches when he pushes inside of it. If I had the brain power, I’d probably be blushing. And having one of the largest dicks here also means making me cum more, too. When I start to feel the pressure growing, I can’t help but whine into the pillow I’m still squeezing to my chest.

“Shhh, I know puppy,” Khazak tries to soothe. “I swear you will get to rest for as long as you want when we are finished.”

I’m going to hold him to that. I know I’m fighting a losing battle, but I squeeze my legs together, trying anything to stave off another anal orgasm, and the cramps that will follow. But it’s no use, and with a weak cry I cum, once again impaled on orc cock. When I start to curl in on myself, I feel Khazak’s hands on my stomach, doing his best to soothe the sore muscles.

I can tell that Khazak is doing his best not to make me cum which is much different from our usual style of sex. Still, I know slow and gentle can’t last forever - he does need to cum - so I’m not surprised when he starts to pick up the pace. Still, I brace myself, knowing he’s going to fuck more out of me before he’s finished.

Sure enough, as the rhythmic slap slap slap of our thighs gets louder, I feel myself starting to crest again. And he only gets faster, so it happens twice more before I finally see the signs that Khazak is going to cum. The arm around my chest gets tighter as his cock sloshes in and out of my hole rapid fire, until with a growl and a bite to my shoulder, he slams all the way home. I’d love to say that I can feel him unloading, but the truth is it’s just too sloppy to tell. IT’s only when he pulls out that I realize he’s actually finished.

Things continue like that for at least another hour or two, Khazak staying in charge of the proceedings. When I start to notice light behind the blindfold, I figure it must finally be morning. It’s Ragnar who announces the good news, noting that Ranger Stonearm has fallen asleep - and so has his cock. One by one, the effects seem to wear off on all of the other rangers. It’s Ragnar who fucks me last, and when none of the others try to replace him, I know my ordeal is over.

“Here you are puppy, drink this.” Khazak presses a waterskin into my hands as he unties the blindfold.

It’s still fairly dim, but I squint as my eyes adjust to the light of day. I drink heavily from the waterskin, sure that I’m dehydrated after all of that. Surprising me, it’s not just Khazak who tries to pamper me, with several of the other rangers wiping me down with a towel and helping me to my feet. My legs could really use the stretch after spending so much of the night horizontal and bent into odd positions.

Given the way the night went, the plan is to call in a replacement team of rangers for the rest of our shift so that we can rest and recover. L’gan is sent back to the city to alert the rest of the force to some of the situation so we can be relieved, as well as to retrieve some supplies. I just hope he leaves out the “spent all night fucking the captain’s human” part.

I’m tired and hungry and all I want to do is go home so I can eat something and pass out. While the other rangers mill about camp, cleaning up and slowly getting back to normal, I’m allowed to rest, sitting curled up in a big blanket by the fire. Actually... I’m starting to get a little warm, so I take a few steps back from the fire. When that doesn’t seem to do it, I peel off the blanket that is starting to stick to my sweaty skin. But still, I only seem to be getting hotter. That’s when I notice my cock and the way it’s starting to get hard.

“Khazak...” I call out, meeting his eyes with worry.

“David? What is wro--” His gaze shifts down to my groin, and the hard dick pointing straight at him. “Oh no.”

“What... What’s happening?” I ask nervously.

“Oh shit,” Ragnar curses when notices my predicament.

“I thought you said it didn’t affect humans?” I ask, my head starting to feel kinda hazy.

“That was only a guess,” Khazak admits, stepping towards me. “It would appear that we were wrong, and that the reaction is only delayed.”

“What do we do?” asks Arik, the other rangers starting to join us.

“L’gan should be back soon with the antidote,” Khazak tells the group. “Until then, we will just have to work on keeping David's condition managed.”

“I’m... I’m really, really horny, Khazak,” I say, then quickly correct. “Sir.”

“I know, pup.” Khazak frowns and strokes my back. “Alright men, do we have any one who wants to volunteer as a bottom for David?”

With the way none of the rangers jumps to help me out, you’d think I didn’t just spend the night acting as their medically-required cumdump. They just shuffle on their feet, none of them quite willing to give an answer one way or the other. And the longer I wait, the hornier I seem to get.

“Seriously, not one volunteer among you? Please do not make us have to--” All the frustration I’m feeling makes me tune Khazak’s voice out, unable to think of much else beyond my libido.

It’s like the mushrooms are setting my blood on fire, and I can’t help myself and reach a hand down to start stroking my cock, but even that’s not enough. With my other hand I reach behind myself, rubbing my fingers against my hole before slipping two of them inside. That’s what I needed, that’s the itch I need scratched.

No,” I say through gritted teeth. “I want... I need...”

I suddenly tackle Khazak onto his back in a full-on lust frenzy.

“I need more dick. Now.