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Happy August everyone! Things have been busy busy busy here at the Dom N. Ashen compound. I have officially started writing Steel & Thunder Book 5! No title, cover, or release date just yet, but I figured you all would be happy to hear that bit of news. I’ve got plenty of stuff coming out between now and its eventual publication, and I don’t even just mean books!

In convention news, I will be making my first full solo appearance at the 2023 Smut Lovers Conference! A con dedicated to writers and readers of steamy and smutty romance, it takes place September 21st – September 24th, 2023 in sunny Orlando, Florida. This will be my first convention where I’ll have my own table - or at least half a table, that I am sharing with a fellow author. I’ll be selling books, signing things, and hopefully having a lot of fun. Tickets are available on their website, and I can’t wait to see you there!

Want to come see me at the con but can’t? Well good news, because I’m also giving away a free ticket! If you’d like to enter the giveaway, all you need to do is send an email to “dom@dominicashen.com” with the words “I want to go to Smut Lovers” in the subject line. After I have everyone’s names, in two weeks I will pick one person at random as the winner. I’ll contact the winner via email and work out all the details then.

Good luck, and happy reading!

This Month on Patreon

Here’s what I’m posting in August:

  • 8/14: The third chapter of Forest Fungus Fornication - David’s rough night continues into the early hours of the morning, with no signs of the men stopping anytime soon. At least they’re going one at time now though...
  • 8/21: Entertainment - Without access to electricty, the people of Terra have a much different idea from what counts as "fun"
  • 8/28: Caged Among the Stars, Chapter 7 - Vaiken manages to set some ground rules with Kaylin, despite the complaints of his older brother. But while Len works out a plan for Kaylin’s defense, it’s time for Vaiken to take him on his first real date.


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