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Magical creatures are a common sight on Terra. Some of them resemble animals you are familiar with, while others may seem more abstract or even alien. Natural casters, as their name might suggest, have an affinity for these creatures. With their magic they can connect with them in various ways, even calling them allies in battle.

Animal companions are perhaps the most common type of magical creature. On the surface, they are no different than non-magical animals, living among them without a care in the world. However, unknown to them, these animals contain the “spark” for magic, similar to humanoid spellcasters. This spark allows them to form a bond and even communicate with druids and magically-inclined rangers. It is exceedingly common to see these spellcasters on the field with wolves, bears, birds, or any other creature that may help them turn the tide of battle.

Next we have familiars. Familiars appear to be normal animals, similar to the aforementioned animal companions, but these creatures are in fact nature spirits who have taken on an animal form that relates to their abilities. They are summoned by witches, whom they are able to assist in their spells, rituals, and potion creation by adding their own magic to their master’s. Witches may form bonds with only one familiar,  or many, depending on where they live and their style of magic. It is not uncommon for a well-versed witch to have her familiar carry out almost the entirety of her spellcasting, never needing to leave her home.

Totems are very similar to familiars, in that they are also nature spirits. However, these creatures are far more abstract in their presentation and power. You could have a spirit, air, fire, wood, hunting - the possibilities are truly endless. The bonds formed between shaman and totem are less personal, with the spirits more independent and acting on their own until they are summoned.

And of course, there are even more magical creatures that exist in the land of Terra. Some of them live on the astral plane, elementals and other beasts that can be summoned by even arcane casters. These creatures share little resemblance with any of those that exist on our plane, and can be dangerous to summon and control. Not that it’s stopped the occasional power-hungry mage from trying.

Any natural caster will tell you, magical creatures are still wild animals, and can be even more dangerous. Even those under the care of a spellcaster should be approached with caution, lest they think you may be trying to attack your master and retaliate in turn. Trust me, you don’t want to go toe-to-toe with a hellhound.


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