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I’ve gotten to know a lot of boys in my years, and each of them has been special to me in their own ways. Jay was one of those boys, a cute cub around the same age as me, that I met one day while “camping.” Now I put camping in quotes there because this is gay camping - meaning there are cabins, bathrooms, a bar, and best of all, a pool. I had been spending the weekend in a tent with some friends, when one Saturday afternoon in the pool, this cute, half-drunk boy siddles up to me to tell me he thinks I’m hot.

After a little more flirting, we spend the next half-hour making out, before he brings me back to his tent and I pounded his lights. Once I finished breeding him in his tent, we exchanged information, and started getting together a whole lot more. In addition to the frequent camping trips we’d take, we’d find weekends here and there we could spend together at each other’s places. This story is about one of those weekends.

It was a Friday evening and I had just finished working out for the day. Jay was on his way over to spend the weekend with me, and I was awaiting his arrival in my room. We had plans to go to the beach together on Saturday, but hadn’t committed to anything else just yet. Personally, I didn’t really expect us to leave the bedroom much. Jay likely didn’t either.

Once he arrived, I introduced him to my roommates before taking him upstairs to unload his things. I was far more interested in unloading in him, so I sent him to the shower to clean up and clean out. As I eagerly waited for him to emerge, I set out the lube, poppers, and other implements near the bed for easy access. I also made sure to get a glass of water, because I just knew we’d be dehydrated by the time we were through.

Preparations complete, I lay back in bed wearing just a jockstrap. I hear the shower stop, and a few minutes later Jay joins me in my room, towel around his waist. With a smile, I pat the spot on the bed next to me.

“Get over here boy,” I told him.

“Yes sir, daddy,” he replied happily before cuddling up to my side.

Now that my boy was in bed, I wasted no more time in getting my hands – and mouth – on him. Turning towards him, I lay about half my weight on top of him before moving in for a kiss. One of my arms was under his neck, holding him against me, while I stroked his back with the other. I kissed him slow and deep, biting at his lower lip and teasing his own tongue with my own.

I slowly trailed my free arm down his back, moving ever so close to the cleft of his ass. I stroked my palm over his cheek a few times before grabbing a handful and squeezing. Jay moaned into my mouth in response, and so I squeezed even harder. I inched my fingers towards his hole, working my way past Jay’s big bouncy ass to his tight furry hole. As I brushed over it with my fingertips, Jay gasped into my open mouth.

“Daddy... Fuck me, please,” Jay whined as I continued to tease him.

“When I’m ready boy…daddy still wants to play,” I answered as I circled my index and middle fingers around the rim of his hole. This was going to be a fun night.

When I’d had my fill of kissing, I flipped Jay onto his belly and pulled his legs apart. Mmm, cub butt. Only half on the bed, I crept up between his spread thighs on my chest, grabbing two handfuls of ass and spreading them wide to admire the furred crevice in front of me. I pursed my lips and blew some air up and down his crack, making him shudder. I followed that up by putting my tongue directly on his hole and seeing how deep I could push inside.

A loud groan escaped the pillow Jay had shoved his face into, and I continued to use my tongue on his hole and crack, even giving his cheeks a few light bites. I alternated between teasing and nibbling on his rim and licking long swaths over his hole, before moving on to pistoning my tongue in and out of it. I squeezed and kneaded his ass as I feasted, scraping my beard along his crack. Jay kept his position on the bed, making sure his ass remained propped up and fighting back any loud noises as he was worried about my roommates hearing.

Finally, after a few more minutes of rimming, and with a smack on the ass, I extracted myself. Standing and looking at Jay on the bed, I decided what I wanted to do next. I moved to stand along the side of the bed, and pulled Jay’s head towards my cock.

“Suck,” I ordered.

Like a good boy, Jay did as he was told and took my cock into his mouth. Keeping my hand on the back of his head, I rocked my hips forward, fucking his face to help with the angle and lack of leverage. I watched as Jay worked to wet my cock with his mouth, eagerly swallowing down as much of me as he could before I pulled away.

“On your back,” I told him as I climbed onto the bed proper.

“Yes, daddy!” Jay responded excitedly , flipping onto his back and lifting and spreading his legs.

“Good boy,” I smiled hungrily, maneuvering between them.

I placed his legs on my shoulders and pushed back his thigh with one hand before spitting into the other to make sure my cock was slick. Then I positioned my cock at his hole and pressed inside. Moving carefully as we were only using spit for lube, I very slowly pushed myself all the way in until Jay could feel the scrape of my pubic hair against his ass. Letting his ankles drop from my shoulders to my arms, I leaned down to kiss him as he got used to the stretch of my cock.

I flexed my dick a few times while we kiss, making Jay gasp and moan each time. Once he relaxed, I started pulling my hips back ever so slightly, barely letting an inch of my cock slip out before pushing back in as far as I could help it. Gradually, I increased the amount of my cock that came out until eventually, I was long dicking him on his back while we were still lip locked.

Wanting to move faster, I pushed myself up, looking down to where my cock was being swallowed by his ass. I watched in fascination as my slick cock disappeared and reappeared with each thrust. It was mesmerizing. I even took some video.

We had been at it for half-an-hour, give or take, with no sign of stopping, so I wanted to move us into a more comfortable position. After carefully extracting myself from Jay, I grabbed one of his thighs and instructed him to roll onto his side, facing away from me. Then, after settling in behind him, I lined my cock up with his hole once again and bottomed out. I returned to our previous pace without pause, wrapping one arm around Jay’s hips to hold him steady.

Throughout all of this, Jay has been a good and compliant boy. Never fighting, only moaning and begging for more. I pounded into him relentlessly as I held him tightly to my chest. I bit and licked at his ear and tweaked his nipples, never letting up. It wasn’t long before I felt Jay’s body start to seize up, his ass tightening like a vice as he experienced his first dry orgasm of the night, moaning loudly.

I was going to have to apologize to my roommates later.

We continued to fuck just like that on our sides. In that position, I was able to conserve a lot more energy, angling my cock just right to nail Jay’s prostate with every thrust. I wasn’t sure exactly when I was going to cum, but it was only ten minutes later before I fucked another anal orgasm out of Jay, a prolonged “daaadyyy” escaping his lips.

We fucked like that for almost an hour. I was covered in sweat, and my sheets and mattress were soaked with it. The room was as humid as a hot Florida day and reeked of sex. Jay stayed in position, only able to moan or cry out weakly when another orgasm would wash over him. I myself had devolved to little more than a grunting, growling Neanderthal who’s only drive was to breed. Not long after Jay had his sixth and final orgasm of the night, I finally approached my own.

Feeling myself on the edge, I pulled him back against me tightly as I gave his ass my final few thrusts before exploding. Jay could feel every shot leaving my cock as my hot load coated his insides. He pushed back, as if it were even possible to get any more of my cock inside himself. I was gently biting into his shoulder to help prevent my own noises from being too loud, and still thrusting after every shot, wishing I could push my seed even deeper.

We laid there in the dim red light of my room, still connected, catching our breath. I held him close, despite the clammy feeling that both of our sweat soaked bodies had. I could feel his ass still tightly milking my cock. I just wanted to lay here with him and soak this feeling in. We could clean up later.

We had all weekend.


David Keith

Good one, Dom!