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V'rok'sh Tah'lj is a small city-state located in the forests of southeastern Mik'anak - also known as Nova Mundus - approximately 150 miles east of the coastline. In the local and predominantly spoken language of Atasi, the city’s name translates to "home among the trees." The city is unknown to the public at large, kept secret to all but a select few: nearby government officials, prominent merchants and tradesmen, and individuals with the right personal connections. Because of the city’s secret existence, as all travel in and out of the city is closely regulated and monitored, which can make establishing and maintaining trade relationships difficult.

The city's history can be traced back almost 450 years ago, when a group of six orc tribes migrated from the deserts in the southwest over the Emerald Mountains in the east. The tribes settled in the forests of this new land, each claiming a piece for themselves. The tribes then spent the next fifty years warring over land, until finally, after an unlikely alliance and an even unlikelier romance, a treaty was signed. To protect their fledgling alliance, the orcs began the construction of a great wall, and the city was founded.

With a population of 2500 and growing, the city inches closer to becoming more of an "open secret" with each passing year. Despite this, orcs continued to make up 98% of Tah'lj's citizenship. These Tahlijan orcs, who refer to themselves as the A'tahsaya, have skin tones that generally fall between forest and dark green, with added shades of olive. Their natural hair colors are typically black or brown, and their eye colors either brown, green, or hazel. Ear and nose piercings are common signs of self-expression, as are tattoos.

The primary religion practiced by the local populace is the worship of a triumvirate of deities known as the Three. The Three are made up of Nargol the Sky-Father, Vol’tha the Earth-Mother, and Sha-mir the River-Guardian, each representing different aspects of the natural world, as well as the orcs themselves - body and spirit, masculine and feminine, warriors and protectors. The main house of worship is the Temple of the Three, led by High Priest Bhok Azkosot. Worship takes place primarily on Astraday evenings, just as the sun begins to set.

The government of Vrok'sh Tah'lj is a democratic republic, with six members of the Tribal Council acting as joint heads-of-state. These six members hold equal power, voting on matters pertaining to the city's governance, such as new laws or changes to existing laws. They are responsible for appointing people to certain governmental positions, and also act as judges in high-profile criminal cases. Council members hold office for three years, and are not eligible to hold office more than once in their lifetime. At the end of their term, their seat becomes vacant and new members are voted in by the city’s residents, with two seats being vacated each year. Should a seat be vacated early, a new council member may be voted in to complete the original member’s term, but not serve a full three years themselves.

Protection of V’rok’sh Tah’lj’s citizens, as well as enforcement of the city’s laws, falls under the jurisdiction of the Rangers of V’rok’sh Tah’lj, currently led by a newly-appointed Captain Ragnar Rockfang. Minor infractions typically result in only a fine, but more serious crimes can lead a person to spend some time at the Yash’ak Cr’hol Labor Camp, or for more serious or violent transgressions, Av’ukom Prison. The rangers are responsible for patrolling the forests outside of the city, checking and maintaining the many alarm and illusion spells that help to maintain their secrecy. The V’rok’sh Tah’lj Militia, headed up by Captain Raga Bullgore, stands by to assist the rangers in responding to any potential threats. Both forces are overseen by Commander U’loth Grandtooth, though it is rumored he may soon be stepping down.

As with most orcs, the diet of Tahlijan orcs is protein-heavy, consisting primarily of fish, venison, and turkey, and supplemented with imported livestock. Local delicacies include sweet potato & turkey stew, seared venison steaks, and dar-buk: a sweet bun made with two kinds of flour, sweetened with tree sap, and stuffed with jam made from local forest berries. On an island in the Shadrok river to the south of the city is a small farm where livestock are kept and a small amount of agriculture takes place. Passage to and from the island is accomplished via spellcasters raising and lowering a bridge that lies along the riverbed.

Hunting and fishing are the locally-preferred forms of recreation, though because local customs frown upon wasting parts of a kill, most recreational hunters tend to stick to smaller game. A large dual-purpose arena and theater known as the Hall of Honor sits at the center of town, used for tournaments, the performing arts, and the occasional battle. Large panel carvings line the Hall’s inner walls, detailing past events that city’s historians have deemed worthy of capturing. Rug’bal, a popular local team sport, shares many similarities to the Albionian/Lutherian game of football, the main differences being that in Rug’bal, one is allowed to use their hands, and tackling is encouraged. There is also the nearby Shad’rok Springs, a freshwater spring west of the city known for their pristine beauty and deep swimming ponds.

Also of note are the number of underground rivers running right under the city, and the city’s use of them. Approximately forty years ago, two local businessmen, Fudhag Murbank and Ikith Shardwrap, spent a number of months living in elven cities and learning what they could about the infrastructure. Combining this knowledge with their own engineering and magic, the two devised a plumbing system that could provide their people with running and heated water right to their own homes, while also ensuring that nothing unsafe was returned to the ecosystem. As of 4043 AFA, over one-third of the city’s homes are connected to this plumbing system.

Despite its progress, all is not perfect behind the city’s walls. A housing crisis is in the making as the population continues to grow and space continues to shrink. Fledgling trade relationships with other nations have continued to feel the strain of the city’s secret status, leading some to question if the city may be forced to finally reveal its existence in the name of expansion and progress. Additionally, there are rumors of some sort of upheaval, with talk of an attempted coup or an even worse tragedy taking place among the city’s upper government. Those with knowledge have described the situation as chaotic, though they have also noted that the newly appointed Ranger Captain Rockfang is working closely with the Tribal Council on several reforms. It will be very interesting to see how the city responds to these issues, and what the future holds for the orcs of V’rok’sh Tah’lj.


David Keith

Nice! Love it.