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Continuing on a previous bunch of Clip Studio Paint page roughs from a kinda-but-not-really story from fantasy test project The Chaste and the Chained,  I had been noodling away on a scene of the Elf Mage finding herself bedamseled yet again by a magically animated chair.  This wasn't really a "true" Chaste story like the sample pages I posted last summer, but more of a background-free "damsel cheesecake wallow," if you will.

Howeva, outta nowhere I thought up a way that this titillating but otherwise none too compelling scene could be warped into an actual narrative advancing the overall Chaste storyline.  And lo, in the concluding page from the previous post, the Elf herself likewise leaps to the same conclusion, as she's carried off past the snoozing Paladin's room next  door in whatever vaguely defined inn they're lodging in:

And now, a new page in sketchy rough or layout form, as the kidnapped (chairnapped?) Elfmaiden's aforementioned renewed struggling continues:

This can't be good for our damsel, can it?


I should say that I did actually think of a way that this sequence could've been turned into a "real" Chaste episode, but that would've required adding a whole 'nother flashback sequence to crosscut with this page, so I just slapped those hastily scrawled captions onto the lower tier of the page to cut the sp**king scene short and called it a (work)day.

Note also that the hallway that Elf and Chair just emerged from wouldn't have been anywhere near as brightly lit as that last panel indicates, but what the heck; the shading effect looks decent enough, regardless. Proper lighting for this entire sequence is something that I would've addressed in a more finished version of the pages, which ain't happening anytime soon (if ever).

With our next page, the sleepy Paladin finally joins the narrative:

I cranked out another page in this sequence last night, but that will have to wait for another "Elf (& Paladin) vs. Chair" update next month. In a none-too-thrilling first for my time working in Clip Studio Paint on the Wacom Cintiq, I drew for too many hours straight and triggered one of my many chronically recurring drawing-hand issues, so I'll have to lay off the ol' Cintiq for at least a few days. (This has never happened before, as far as I can recall).

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: Not sure at the moment, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot, okay? (Four g-d posts in one week is really pushing me to the limit, folks.)




There's some kind of joke to be made here about this being a "hot pursuit," for sure. Love where the plot turned on the last couple pages!


That panel near the end of the third page looks a lot like Emp getting gassed https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-preview-27579043