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Behold, an "Endpage" comic I wrote and drew for the videogame magazine PSM back in the bygone year 2007, this time riffing on supposedly untold secrets of the then-just-released racing game Motorstorm for the Playstation 3. Here's the initial rough:

Note that I knew absolutely nothing about Motorstorm and was indulging my Gen-X-ness to the hilt with those alternate titles based on early 80s SF flicks. That whimsical flair bit subsequently me in the butt when I then had to replicate those movies' title fonts by hand on the final version:

Your Mileage May Vary, of course, as to which slice of 80s cheese was worse than the other; I never actually saw either movie in full, just in brief excerpts glimpsed in passing on cable, so I did not, in fact, hold an informed opinion on their relative quality.

Many years later, now belatedly possessing a PS3, I might elect to track down a copy of Motorstorm and check it out, given that I am indeed inordinately fond of racing games. (I'd love to imagine that I could find a new game to spell the evergreen Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition Remix and Midnight Club: Los Angeles in my late-night zone-out "beer & brainstorming" sessions after work, but I remain doubtful.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?



Sabrina Pandora

I was there, all those years ago. I get these crappy movie references, and love you for them :)