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Behold, a brief return to peril-prone Dirty Pair knockoffs Rose & Lily, $5+ tier Patrons!

Left over from the long-ago discontinued or paused Lily solo "story" that featured our heroine bedamseled by Nefarious Starflight Attendants was this lone sketch pose:

...onto which, more recently, I tacked one last scene of Lily overpowered by the Nefarious Starflight Attendants:

And that, for the foreseeable future, should be the last we'll see of Lily's "Starflight into Peril."

More recently still, based off a truly long-standing commission from a friend of mine, I worked up a few pages of analog-media roughs featuring "Undercover Office Lily" in a not-dissimilar outfit, this time bedamseled in the back of a limousine, not that I've bothered to draw the limo's interior as yet:

Somewhat at random, I decided to use this page rough as yet another g-d inking test in Clip Studio Paint for the PC:

...and, yet again, found myself bemused by how even the Frenden "Pigman Mycon" brush, the best such inking tool I've yet found in CSP, kept seemingly fighting me as I struggled to render details on Lily's face:

Sure would be g-d nice if I could find an inking tool that could render the hatching seen on Lily's throat, clavicles & cleavage to my satisfaction; wellp, CSP art testing on the Wacom (and the iPad, too) will continue, folks, even if I remain unsure if aesthetically acceptable results will ever be possible.

In the meantime, two more pages of "Lily vs. Limo" analog roughs (in comic-book format, BTW, instead of the letter-size originals I normally use for random DiD sketch sets):

This scene's basic concept is derived from a much older DiD commission from well over 20 years ago, long enough ago that I retain no copies of the art on any hard drive or even as a photocopy:

IIRC, the older commission's premise of a bedamseled heroine shoved out of sight in the back seat footwell of a limo (which you can maaaaaybe decipher from the vague roughs) might be derived from a scene in a John Norman Gor novel, though I'm no longer quite certain about that. (The closest I got to actually reading a Gor book was watching the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes featuring the Jack Palance movies of yore.)

Ah, but the same commissioner (who I fear might have passed away in the intervening decades) did once make an "art request" for the following Dirty Pair DiD image from the 90s, which is definitely based on an old Gor novel's "living nautical figurehead" cover illo:

Note the bonus "Cap'n Shasti" and "Sailor Sleet" in the background, BTW! (Even funnier nowadays, given that "Capn' Shasti" looks rather like the similarly nautical v-tuber "Marine Senchou" from Hololive.)

NEXT TIME ON THIS HERE PATREON: No idea, TBH, but something should be coming up in the next M/W/F slot. Let's find out together, shall we?

UPDATE: In fact, Thursday the 30th will feature the month's Exclusive Bonus Post for the $10 & $20 tiers, once again based on Biggest Spender "art requests." (Still need to finish up the last CSP sketch, though, which continues this post's Distressed Damsels theme.)




Steven W

Lol that last one appears to be a nice adaptation of #16, Guardsman of Gor. Which is quite a bit further than i've read, but the early ones are reasonably fun sword & planet and i haven't been in a rush.


That MST was gold. Jack P at the bottom of his career. Good to see more of R&L, too.